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I wake up finding myself in a hospital room. Sitting up, I'm aware that I don't feel weak any more. Looking down I see my arms. No wounds see there. Jumping out of bed I immediatly begin checking my body. There were no signs at all that I had ever been injured. Running to the bathroom I pull my shirt down to reveal my chest. I gasp at the sight. There was no bright red of my stone. The skin had fully healed. How? Who? What happened?

Leaving the bathroom i see Bakugo now in the room with Pride.

"Bakugo what happened? I'm suddenly healed."

Bakugo looks up a smile on his face." It's a long story, but in short your mother saved you. She healed all of your wounds. Before she disapeared though, she told me to tell you." She loved you and that its not time to give up, that she's always been there watching over you. And that your life isn't yet over." He says. I stare at him shocked.

Mom saved me, but how? Moms been dead for hundreds of years. Why didn't she move on? Did she stay for her children? I smile though. Who knows. She's mom, I'll ask her when I die.

Pride hands me my clothes." I believe before you passed out you were about to travel back to your world. Bakugo says something very bad is happening. My eyes widen as I remember. Running into the bathroom I practically rip the gown off throwing my clothes on even my coat before running out the door.

I grab bakugo's hand." Thank you so much pride, for everything. Tell mustang and my brothers that I'm sorry I didn't get to hang out with them, but this is urgent." Pride nods throwing me a piece of chalk." It's fine silver we understand, now go." I nod.

We both run down the stairs out the front door. I stop in front of the hospital. I immediately bend down and start drawing the circle. When it's finished we both walk into the circle. Clapping my hands I slam them down onto the pavement. Light bursts from the circle. Light surrounds us as we pass through he gate. While passing through I spot o familiar face making my heart stop, Midoriya.

His soul was already at the gate. That ment he didn't have much time. It wasn't what I predicted. He had he less time.

Opening my eyes me and Bakugo stood in the transmutation circle beside the school. I'm stunned as I see darkened skies. I could smell  the blood and death in the air.

"Bakugo, we need to check if the other students are alright." He tsks but nods.

We both take off. In the event of a emergency all staff and students would be evacuated to the gymnasium. It's the strongest building in the school. I make it to the doors finding them locked. Using my strength I push the door open breaking the lock. I missed this feeling of superiority.

Opening the door I see kanda and the teachers standing alert in front of all the students. At the sight of me almost everyone smiles. I smile looking at kanda and jumping into his arms."KANDA I missed you so much wait where cival?" He smiles kissing my head.

"I'm missed you too. Civals with komui back at the ark. I state at him concerned." You left our child with komui?" He sighs, "yes I was in a rush to get here. One second the cities fine the next, akuma are popping up everywhere in the city attacking. Silver it's bad. Japan isn't the only place there attacking. Its every city in the world. And there doing it right now." He says panicked.

I kiss him trying to reassure him a bit. "Kanda it's ok. Whole me and Allen were in our comas, we think we found a way to destroy all of the akuma and even kill the Noah clan." He stares at me stunned.

"That's amazing silver, if what you say is true. We can put an end to the war that should of ended long ago."

I nod my head looking back over to the students. They were laughing and smiling thankful that bakugo was back. I could even see tiny explosion going off in his hand s from anger. That's good, I didn't know if he would regain Jo's quirk of not.

"Kanda I need to find Allen do you know where he is?" He shakes his head. "I haven't seen that beansprout in hours."

I sigh, I can't sense him either. I can tell he not dead I just can't pinpoint his location.

Walking away i spread my arms." Shadow search." Shadows shoot from my hands spreading in all direction. I search and search. I frown,"come on Allen where are you. I then stop as I see something that makes me gasp. The Noah family, they all stood together. Allen, midoriya and lavi, were all on the ground unconscious.

I gasp snapping out of it. Kanda had a worried look." Silver, what did you see?"

I look to him." The Noah are gathered down town, there holding Midoriya, Allen and lavi hostage. There all unconsios. I need Allen to be able to do what I need to do." He sighs." No other exorcists will be able to enter Japan with all this chaos, they probably would even be able to due to the world partialy ending."

I think, I need kanda to stay here and watch the students. So he can't come, every other exorcist other then lavi and Allen are probably dead. We're on our own. I smile, walking over to the teachers." I need you to gather everybody to the center of the gym I need to announce something. They nod as I turn motioning kanda over. He walks over standing in front other the group. I stand the door to my back.

"Hello everyone its nice to be back. I'm sorry our war has put you through this. Though I can promise it will be over very soon, so just hold on.

Class1-A know that you are my best friends. Never forget that and kanda I love you. I will forever and ever. I wish we could of had our wedding sooner. Take care of cival, tell him I love them." I say smiling.

They all looked confused before realisation crosses bakugo's face." SILVER NO." It was already to late though. Spreading my arms I activate my innocence releasing my shadows to surround them. People rush forward only to hit my barrier." Silver release us now!" Almight yells mad. I shake my head.

"This will most likely be the last time I see any of you." I love all of you, it's my fault for what's going on now. I'm to blame for the world going to s***. And now it time for me to correct that mistake." And with one last smile I turn, running out the doors to down town, ready to end this war. All along tears fell from my eyes because I knew there was no way I could make it out of this alive.

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