29: Day off

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"So your telling me, this, Department of Child protective services, is going to investigate us and if they find something they don't like there going to try and take Cival away." Silver nods staring down at the ground.

I growl standing up." Like Hell there going to take my child. I'll fight till my dying breath if I have to. Nobody's taking my child." She smiles a bit.

Nobody is going to take my child. I already lost my first love. Then I thought I had lost silver. I won't be able to handle it if cival is taken from us. I may not like many of the other exorcists, but to protect cival I'm willing to put that to rest for now. Our child comes before anything else!!!!


I sigh, its been a week since the whole incident at the hospital. I've still been going to school. We've been training for the sports festival.

I tell you, Aizawa is pushing everyone to their limits in training, even me. Which my physical standard is extremely hard.

He's quadrupled my normal work out schedule.

I haven't told anyone this but I've started eating a lot more food lately. I've noticed my stone hasn't been replenishing my energy like it used to. It's weird, before I had been given this stone I couldn't produce energy at all to keep my body functioning. But now I'm able to eat food and gain energy from it. I don't know why or how it happened but I'm glad. I can't rely on my stone any more. That much has become apparent.

The sports festival is in two days. Aizawa has given us the last few days off from school to rest or train. We can use the time as we see fit.

I've been training even more but also leaving enough time to hang out with kanda and cival. Turns out Allen and most of the exorcists went to America to repair the American Branch. It's been a while since I've been to the US. I'll have to ask them what it's like now.

I walk inside, a towel around my neck. Cival lay in his play-pin sucking on a pacifier and watching spongebob. I don't know why but he's hooked on that show. Every time he starts crying I just put this show on and he stops. It's magical to say in the least.

Kanda sat at the table eating waffles. I finally broke his addication to soba, but now he's addicted to waffles. You can't win with kandas eating habits. I sit next to him stealing a waffle, earning a playful glare. I laugh.

"So kanda I was thinking, to make it official we should start planning our wedding. Though it has to be after we deal with the Noah and the villains." He nods swallowing a bit of food." Yah that sounds great, we can even dress cival in a little suit. I gasp at the thought before squealing.

"That's a great idea kanda. Cival's going to look like a little man." Kanda smiles continuing to eat his waffles.

Next day

Today I was just hanging out resting before tomorrow's festival. I sit on the couch kanda on my left and cival laying down on the cushion to my right. We were watching the news. Which was featuring the upcoming sports festival tomorrow. Everyone seemed excited for it.

Allen said they would be back tomorrow to watch. I'm so excited. I mean I can't go all out or I'll probably kill something or someone but I can still have fun with it. My thought are interrupted by the phone ringing. Getting up I answer it.

"hola, plata hablando. ¿Como puedo ayudarte?" (hello, silver speaking. How may I help you?) I say in Spanish. There's a sigh." Just come to the school, there's something important we need to talk about." I hear Aizawa say. Then the phone goes silent. I hang up looking over to kanda." Hay kanda I'll be right back. Aizawa just called and he sounded urgent a bit." He nods." Me and cival will be here." I smile walking over to them giving them both a kiss. With that I leave.

Getting to the school I easily walk past the gates into the school. Aizawa was inside leaning against the wall. I wave, he silently just turns motioning for me to follow him, I do. We walk to nezus office going in. I'm surprised when I see a lot of famous hero's in the room sitting at a table.

"Ahh silver your here. We were just discussing the sport's festival tomorrow." He stops, sighing." It's come to our attention that you are much more advanced then the rest of the students attending here. Because you can rival all might easily we have come to the conclusion that if there is any one on one battles between students, you will not participate in those rounds. You will v.s a teacher at random if a one on one battle is chosen." Nezu says. I nod." You may go home now." I sigh." You know you could of just told me all of this over the phone." Nezu scratches the back of his head laughing nervously." Yes well we felt you needed to be told in person." I stare at him before sighing." Nezu your lame." He smiles innocently." Your so mean silver." I laugh shaking my head. What was I going to do with little nezu." Ok I'm going home. See you tomorrow. "With that I leave going home.

Getting home I just hang out with kanda and cival. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about tomorrow.

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