38: Waking up free!!

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Something else I noticed staring into the mirror was, i wasn't healing properly.

I know my stone helps me heal faster, and that it's damaged now but I shouldn't still be like this. What was the extent of my damage?

Leaving the bathroom I walk to the other door. Opening it I find a long hallway. Nobody was outside.

Walking out i find the elevator taking it to the ground level. It opens up to another long hallway. I see a few nurses here and there but there to busy, preoccupied with something else. So I'm not noticed.

I walk to the front desk seeing a lady probably in her mid 30s. Walking up to the desk she doesn't look up till I ask her my question." Miss can I pleasr barrow your phone?

She looks up staring at me before her eyes widen in realization." Mam you need to go back to your room. Your still very badly injured! She says standing up motioning for a few doctors.

"Please, I need to use your phone." She still stares at me." Miss what you need is bed rest, your lucky to be alive after the incident you were involved in. Even for someone with your abilities." She says shocking me.

"Silver?" Turning around I see my white haired twin. He as well was in a hospital gown. He runs over smiling." You woke up, great. I freaked out when I went to your room and you weren't there." I done hugging him. Sadly I knew what had happened to him when I was hit with those blasts. He was injured as well. It was my fault, but I had to do it.

Todoroki and Midoriya are both children. There still figuring there quirks and lives out. It's to early for them to die.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Allen's arms being replaced by someone else's. I thought it was kanda till I opened my eyes seeing, surprisgly........... Bakugo.

Looking into his eyes I saw something I never thought I'd see. I saw something that broke me.

Bakugo was crying. Bakugo didn't cry, he was, well Bakugo.

"Dang Bakugo did you miss me that much?" He smiles a bit before frowning. Suddenly almost everyone from class 1-A was running over. I smile wide at them.

"Awww did you all come for Me? Wow you guys got here real fast!" They smile, but it seemed forced. "We're so glad your ok silver. It's been three months since you slipped it your coma." Uraraka says making me gasp.

"Three months, are you for real? It only felt like a few days to me. I must have given you all quite the scare. Sorry about that." Looking through the ground I easily spot my icey hot friend.

"O my god Todoroki I'm so relieved to know your ok." He gives his normal smile nodding." Thank you for your concern, it's much appreciated." Walking over to him I grab his face squashing it together.

"Todoroki, pull that stick out of your a**, your starting to act like lida." Everybody laughs except for lida who just put a hand to his heart acting offended.

"My silver that's very rude to say to your fellow class mates, especially your class rep." I smile laughing myself." Lida you know it's true, don't act like it if you don't want to be titled like that." His faces turns a soft pink and he shuts up mami g me laugh.

"By the way guys where's Midoriya? I wanted to ask if her was alright after the incident." And just like that,the mood in the room changed in 2 seconds from happy to depressed.

Was it something I said. Frowns now littered everyone of there faces, even the students i didn't know could frown like froppy. Something was wrong? Why did they all change when I mentioned Midoriya?

Everyone looks at eachother before uraraka steps forward." That's actually why we were all here. We were waiting for visitation to start." Tears prick at her eyes and she looks away.

Wiping her tears away I smile." It's ok uraraka you can tell me. She nods." Were here to see midoriya." My face instantly drops. WHAT? Did i not protect him? "A few days ago we were let out of school early, it was later that night when kirishima all sent is a text to watch the news. It was about midoriya and his mother. They were both attacked by those demons you fight. Midoriya protected his mom and......-"she stops, starting to sob a bit before containing herself." Midoriyas here in critical condition and there not sure he's going to live." And just like that. It's as if my life, no my heart crumbled to my feet. One of the people I actually cared for, which isn't a lot was here in this hospital fight g for life and it was ..my ......fault.

If I hadn't of been asleep, if I hadn't been so weak, midoriya would be fine. I was suppose to protect him and I can't even managed something like that. I'm awful.

I didn't realize I was crying till uraraka starts shaking me." Take me to him." She nods. Bakugo suddenly walks over saying the,simple phrase of " get on my back." Which I do.

He immediatly takes off running towards the room getting yelled at by almost every nurse we pass. We get in an elevator.

We get off on some floor walking to a room. He stops right in front of the room staring at the door. I get off, pushing the door open.


I was surprised when silver suddenly screamed. Rushing into the room I see her staring wide eyes at the unconscious form of Deku. She walks over to him before touching his face.

He flinched in his sleep making her back away a bit. Her hair hid her face so I couldn't tell her expression.

She then suddenly collapses to the floor a sobbing mess.

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