46: Nope can't leave yet. Love Trisha.

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I make it to the hospital immediatly running up the stairs to the kids room. The lights were flickering and I could hear random screams. It gave me a bad feeling. I make it to the kids room going in. The monitors and machines were still running so that's good. This felt wrong to do but silver would literally kill me if something happened to this kid. I could be out there right now saving other people lives but I'm stuck here watching an almost dead kid.

I know silver cares for him but the kids practically rotting from the inside out from the akuma blood. Innocence is the only thing that could heal him. Sighing I take a seat keeping my hammer out in case something happens.

I had been sitting here for about 30 minutes when something sharp is suddenly jabbed into my neck. I gasp stumbling up only to drop to my knees as I suddenly feel very dizzy. Turing around the last thing I see is the Noah of pleasure unplugging the boys monitors. That's when darkness over takes me.

It's been three hours when my stomach suddenly grumbles. I groan, not now stomach. I dodge a slice from another akuma backing into a wall. I barely dodge the next blow. Jumping up I slash the akuma killing it.

I need to take cover now and rest before I get killed.

I see a nearby house. The door was open. Closing it I stay as quiet as I can. Slowly I walk around the house looking for anybody. Imagine my surprise when I see the boy, bakugo's mother. She stares at me shocked. "Your Allen, silver's brother." I nod." What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out there fighting? I sigh leaning against the wall.

"As much as I would like to continue fighting I need a bit of rest and food. I'm not at top strength right now."

She then suddenly runs over grabbing my hand and pulls me into a kitchen. A man sat under the table, probably her husband." You can come out its just silver's brother." The man that I could now see clearly smiles. I could tell that was bakugo's father. I sit at the table as she starts to cook food. About 20 minutes later she has tons of food prepared. I stare at her shocked.

How did she do that? She must be magical.

She sets the food down with a smile." Well you did say you needed food, so dig in." I loved his woman. I dig in, not wasting any time. Minutes later I hold me now full belly. Looking up I smile.

"Aragato, now I'll be able to fight without anything hindering my ability. I just need to rest for a bit longer" I say slouching in the chair, my eyes drooping closed, before I fall asleep.

I was becoming frustrated. We had been looking for hours with no luck. I curse as I throw another worthless book to the side.

I punch the wall in anger leaving a big hole in the wall.

Sighing o go and find Bakugo. I find him looking through some random book that wasn't what we were looking for." Baku-" he shreeks throwing the book away. What the f***." You ok." He nods." Hay its getti g late we should take a break and grab something to eat before it gets to dark. He nods walking out of the room.

When he's gone al I quickly run over to the book he had previously been reading. The tittle read" Romeo and Juliet." Aww Bakugo. Setting the book down I run to catch up with the blond boy.

We sit in a booth at some small diner. It was a cute little place that had a decent amount of people. Looking through the menu I order a few things. Bakugo orders a few hamburgers.


We both order our food. I hand the lady my menu. There suddenly a gasp as out waitress drops all of the menus. There there's a liquidy cough. Looking over I see silver. A hand to her mouth coughing up blood and a hand to her side which was bleeding.

She looks at me with wide eyes slumping forward. Quickly I flip the table to the side catching silver before she can face plant.

"Silver, what is it, is is your wounds, we need to get them treated right away." She shakes her head." No Bakugo we need to leave RIGHT now, it's Allen he's been stabbed. He's telling me that the Noah and akuma are attacking and were way out numbered. We have to go." She goes to stand up only to fall to her knees clutching her side.

"Silver even if we were to go back right now, you can't fight. You won't last two minutes in your condition." I say, I know I may act like a jerk and hot head sometimes because of my pride but I really like silver and not just as a friend as many of you know.

She needs to heal some of her wounds. I'm worried to. From what she explained it was bad, really bad. Those demons were attacking and there weren't that many Exorcists to fight them. We were on the losing side this time. Standing I turn to the still standing there stunned waitress." You, get me a phone and phone book now." She rushes off leaving me standing their being stared at by every one in the diner." Well f****** don't just sit their, if any of you are doctors, get your a**** up and come help her." I glare at their unmoving forms.

Suddenly a figure from the back wearing a cloak walks forward. I couldn't tell who the person looked like. Only that is was female with kind brown hair and a slender figure wearing a dress underneath the cloak, since part of it showed.

She slowly bends down reaching out a hand. I watch her carefully as she reaches out a hand placing it on silver's body. Her hand emits a soft blue. And right before my eyes the blood from her wounds rush back into her body healing closed. I then see her previous wounds close up almost to scars. That's when the woman pulls away bending down kissing silver on the forehead.

"Tell Elizabeth I love her!
The woman says her body starting to become translucent." Wait who are you?"

The woman smiles lifting a hand to pull down her hood. I spot chestnut brown hair flowing wildly, emerald green eyes and smile that would make most men drop. She smiles at me.

"My name's Trisha, tell my daughter that it's not time to give up, that I've always been there watching over her. Her life isn't yet over." Before I can say anything else she disappears as if she had never been here at all. I say there stunned trying to figure out everything that just happened. When I finally do I stand turning back around to the people who still sat there staring at us." You mother f****** Are so f****** useless. You make f****** Deku look like a hero."

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