11: Realities a B****

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I felt cold, but hot at the same time. What was this. Was this what people call a fever?I've forgotten what these feel like. I shouldn't have one though. Technically I'm not alive, I'm surprised I haven't become a fallen yet with my innocence.

Why does my body hurt too? Groaning I open my eyes to a bright light. I hiss covering my eyes sitting up carefully. I was in the medic. Gran sat in a chair doing some paper work.

I get up immediatly collapsing onto the ground. What the heck? Why can't I stand? Looking up I have a mini heart attack as gran stood right there. "You need to take it easy. You've exhausted your body and it needs serious recovering." She says.

"What, but I used all my power so I wouldn't put to much a strain on my stone. That shouldn't of been enough to put any strain on my body." I say getting up using the bed for help." I examined Bakugo, it wasnt just his chest that had been eaten away at. There was scarred tissue in his stomach as well. Whatever you healed him of would of killed him in a matter of days. You saved his life." She says smiling. So that's what it was. I was trying to heal somebody else without knowing how injured they really were and without taking any precautionary  measures. But there was no other choice I either healed Bakugo or he died within the next few days. Even with this centuries advanced technology I know for a fact nothing they have would of been able to take out the teases.

I sigh thinking of bakugo. He's a child, a little aggressive with anger issues but still a child. He deserves a full life not to be killed before his time. No child deserves that. I'm well over my time and by most would probably be classified as a walking, talking, breathing corps if that makes sense. Ive lived a full life not all of it good but not all of it bad. I found love, met my long lost twin brother, met my brothers and father from a different world, gained new powers even if they came with a serious price. My life's been good so when its my time so be it.

Sitting back down on the bed I stare at my hands." You can't keep doing this to your body" gran says making me look up." What do you mean?" She sighs pulling a seat up and sitting down." I examined your boddy while you were unconscious. Just to check for injuries. I saw the scars. What i mean by this is, yes you have all of these powers but everything comes with a price. As you've explained before when you were human your innocence drained your body of so much energy you had to constantly eat. That was the cost of being a parasitic type.

Your Noah side made you an enemy to the exorcist while erasing your mind for a bit and giving you a tad more of insanity.

Now your homunculi side. As you've explained, you have powers such as super strength, super speed, hearing, vision and healing. It took a toll on your body. You harbor all these powers yet your body is still human. It can't take this much longer. By becoming a homunculi you sacrificed your soul and you rely on a stone that will eventually run out of energy." She sighs taking a deep breath. "If you keep this up its guaranteed your body will eventually fail on you, even with these powers there will come a time when you can do nothing about it."

Her words hit me like a rock. She was right. I've been so reckless. I've taken my powers for granted using them whenever I feel like it not thinking of the backlash it could have on me. Me healing Bakugo was a necessity but because I used all of my powers at once it drained my body of almost all energy.

She's also right about my stone. Eventually my stone, the one thing giving me power to function correctly will run out of power and I'll just be a weak hybrid again. Half human, half homunculi a being that can't control there powers and could die at a seconds notice. And with my innocence constantly attacking the stone from within my body, trying to purify it. I can tell that that is As well taking its toll on my stone.

But what can I do. I'm an exorcist fightings in my blood. Getting hurt in battle is a common thing. What can I do so I won't risk damaging myself anymore?

"I see I've struck a nerve I'll leave you be." Gran says getting up. Before she can walk away though I'm up, falling to my knees I hug her." Thank you, you've helped me see that untill now  I've taken everything I have for granted. I'm going to try and do better." She smiles hugging back. "Good, now get back in bed, your still really weak and need recovering." I laugh shaking my head. Slowly I crawl back into bed getting under the covers. She dims the light and just like that I'm fast asleep.

Gran smiles up at the sleeping girl. She's lived a hard life. A lot harder then most and had to endure so much. What she goes through every day is just heart pulling. She does so much for people not realizing what it's doing to her. And sadly if she doesn't change her ways more than one thing will be her down fall. It's a pity she's such a nice girl. But nobody said life was fair and it isn't. Gran sighs closing the door with a soft click leaving the snoozing girl in a semi dark room unaware of the smirking figure hiding in the darkest corner who just appeared.

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