40: Somethings very, very wrong!!

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Two days pass by like nothing. Nobody else was attacked in Japan. Well there's been no reports of any.

Today was the day I crossed over. Turns out U.A has this whole area with buildings used for their entrance exams. It's the perfect place. My friends and family are going to be there to see me off.

I walk to the school kanda by my side and cival in my arms. The walk there was quiet but tense. I could tell kanda didn't want me to go. I didn't either, but it's my fault Izukus in the hospital.

We get to the school immediatly walking to the area. Everybody was already there. I smile at them handing kanda, cival. Allen walks over to me frowning." Silver are you sure you don't want someone to go with you? There's no telling what the other side like now." I smile nodding." Yes I'm sure, I would take you Allen but other then my self you are the only individual who's able to detect akuma. You need to stay here. He sighs." Just promise me you'll be careful." I laugh," Allen who do you think your talking to. I'm the Almighty silver, I'll be fine."

He smiles walking over to leenale making me chuckle. I wonder when there going to get together.

Walking to the center I pull a piece of chalk from my pocket and begin drawing the circle.

It takes me 10 minutes to draw the entirety of it. Standing I smile waving to everyone. Clapping my hands I slam them down. Light builds up coming from the circle. Suddenly there's yelling then I feel arms wrap around me. What? Who entered the circle? At that moment our bodies are broken down.

Opening my eyes i bolt up looking around. The first thing i notice is the being right next to me who has spiky blond hair.

"BAKUGO, ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?"  I scream at the kid making him wake up staring at me with wide red eyes. It's almost as if he couldn't believe it just yelled and cussed at him, all in the same sentence.


I watch in horror as Bakugo suddenly runs into the circle hugging silver to himself. I take off running towards them, but they disapear before I even make it close to the circle. I glare at the ground cussing that kid out in my mind. Turning around I look to the students some looked shocked while a red head had a smile on his face. Stomping over I grab his shirt picking him up." Did you know he was going to do that?"

At first he just stares at me with a blank look." Answer me, dammit." I cuss. I was so angry right now.

"Whoa man calm down. Non of us knew what Bakugo was planning." Someone says. Turning around is see a boy with bright yellow hair with a black on the side.

I set the boy with red hair down as he sighs." Actually, I did. I only wanted to help. Bakugo wants to help save midoriya."

I sigh," hopefully he will be fine."

"Allen sir, why are you so worried about Bakugo stepping into the circle? Silver's done it before. Shouldn't he be fine?"

Asks a girl with short brown hair wearing a black tank top.

"As you know me and silver are twins. We both passed through the gate. Something that doesn't apply to your world applies to ours. It's called equivalent exchange. Something must be given for something in return. There's no telling what could happen to him passing through that gate. Me and silver were lucky. She can use alchemy for some reason, I can not. I'm worried because what's inside the gate. A being who acts as god. He controls all. He showed the truth. Which I unfortunately cannot remember. But silver can. Thats one of the reasons she didn't want anyone to go with her. There to much risk involved."

They all stare at me, shocked and worried." Will he be ok?" The red head asks. Looking very upset now.

"I don't know, but I can tell you that as long as he's with silver she will do all she can to protect him.

I glare down at the blond before sighing.

"Why did you jump into the circle Bakugo?" He stands dusting himself off." Because, that damn nerd needs help. He's to weak to do anything so I, the strong have to do something about it."

I smile, ahhh Bakugo does care for midoriya. "Ok first I need to know if your ok. Was anything taken from you? Bakugo looks st himself pulling up his shirt checking his pants. His eye widen.

"My d**** gone." My eyes widen." For real?" I ask worried." No, I'm joking." I glare at him again he laughs.

"What about your quirk is it still there?"

He holds out his hand, nothing happens. He tries again, still nothing happens. He stares at his hand wide eyed.

"Silver.......... my quirks gone.

I stare at him a minute. Damn it, ok if his quirk was taken something was given to him. Before I have time to think my eye suddenly activates. Bakugo stares at me confused.

" uh silver why did your eye activate. I thought it only does that around akuma?" I shake my head." No it does it around evil beings and beings without souls as well. But the only evil beings here are homunculi and every one of them were wipped out except for pride. The very first homunculi."

I walk to the end of the ally we landed it taking a few steps into the light. What I saw shot me into pure panic. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong!!

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