5: Unfamiliar presence

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Stepping into the hall and angry nezu turns to me." What is the meaning of this silver?" "There alive. The Noah are alive. You told me they were dead. They arnt dead and there still making akuma." Nezus eyes widen." I said were unsure, its been hundreds of years since we've had any sighting of them." I pace the hallway." I have to kill them, this time I have to make sure they stay dead though." I mutter to myself. Nezu grabs my arm." Calm down silver,everything will be fine."

He's right. I won't be able to think rationally if I'm all worked up. I slowly calm down." Ok I'm calm" he smiles,"until we've gathered more information on them I suggest you act normal. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself." I stare at him," nezu I have white hair, wear an exorcist coat and my face has a giant red scar going down it, no matter where I go I'm going to draw attention to myself whether I like it or not." He sighs. "We'll talk more later I need to get back to my class." He turns walking back into the class. I turn huffing. Only to run into a small body knocking them over. Looking down I see it was All might. But in his weak human form." O sorry A I didn't mean to knock you over." I apologize offering him a hand. He takes it standing up.

"It's ok you didn't mean to, hay i heard what you were talking about. Do you want to take a walk around the city and check everything out. Plus I still have about 40 minutes left if hero'ing to go." I grin shaking my head.

I sigh standing in line at the grocery store. How do they do this. Especially with the amount of food we have to get. I smile as the lady finally starts scanning my items. The look on her face was priceless. I don't think she's ever had one customer buy this much. I had the whole belt covered with food, hygiene product's, clothes, and I still had three more carts after this. The people behind us were glaring at us obviously upset they have to wait so long. Hay if you don't want to wait go to the self checkout.

My friend snickers beside me taking the hint that I was not happy either. After a long dreadful 30 minutes everything is scanned. The total gave the people behind us a heart attack. There eyes bulged at how much everything was. What shocked them even more was that I was able to pay for everything. Once everything is in bags we begin walking to the truck. It's a long trip to the woods where our hideout, which I like to call it is. It makes it sound cooler.
We put everything in the bed of the truck. It kind of sucked when you only had one arm to lift things with. Good thing my one arm is strong or id be screwed.

When were done I put the cart up. I'm about to get in when I stop. Turning around. And looking around the area. I felt something strange. I don't know what it was but it felt familiar. There's the sudden honk of the horn making me jump. Turning I flat at his peaking head from inside. With that I get in and we leave.


"Hay midoriya you and Bakugo seem to already know silver. Tell me what did she do today during the ball test?" Lida asks pushing up his glasses. I think for a second. Iv only hung out with her a few times within the past few months because I had to train my body for allmights quirk but the times I did i leaned that silver is a very closed off, but open person, if that makes sense. If your friends with her she'll tell you anything but if your not she won't talk to you that much.

"I don't know, silver's a mystery, she won't tell us much." I lie, honestly I didn't know what she was doing today. I just know she doesn't want me to go talking about it behind her back to the people. I may have allmights quirk but even with it nothing can save you from her wrath. She's scary when mad.

Lida doesn't look convinced but leaves it alone. I take my seat ready to start our next class. The door opens and in walks silver. She glances up before looking back down and walking to her seat. Everybody stared at her. I'll have to talk to her later on and see if she was ok.

Walking into class was none the less awkward. I felt uneasy, on top of finding out that the Noah are still alive and are still creating akuma I felt something strange in the city. It was familiar but I couldn't remember the presence.

"Sir one of your creations has been destroyed." One of my butler's says. Placing today's newspaper down I think." Interesting who could it of been. Today's innocence has no effect on our akuma. To have been able to destroy it they must have either been born with a special type of quirk or there's an exorcist that's still alive." I smirk at that." What area was it in?"" The northern central area of Japan sir." The akuma says." Send some more scouts. Have them gather information about the incident." It nods scurrying off.

Until I have more evidence on the situation I won't jump to conclusions. But if it is an exorcist this may complicate things.

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