35: Have we grown weaker?

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I struggle against the monster wincing when it holds my non-broken arm tighter. Suddenly the bed side lamp slams into the things head. I look over seeing mom try and stand. I clench my broken hand activating One for All again. I punch it in the gut wincing at the pain wanting to scream.

The thing drops me, another small dent in its armor or body. It takes a second before it starts laughing. I back away over towards mom." You make me laugh human. You a weakling, a nothing compared to me. How could you possibly even think you could hurt me." I gulp trying to form a plan in my head.

If I can keep him distracted till an exorcist gets here I can keep mom out of danger. Standing I smirk at it forming somewhat of a plan.

" O your better then humans, well if that's so you won't have any issue with catching me then." I say running to the door and into the hall. Immediatly do I hear the door break open as it rushes after me. I need to get as far away from mom as I can.

I was with komui at UA helping formulate a plan to alert the public when the hero Allmights phone suddenly rings. At first he ignore it focusing on the matter at hand bit when it rings a second time he picks it up.

"Hello midoriya-" he suddenly stops instantly looking worried. I could here faint screaming from the phone."MIDORIYA, MIDORIYA. ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU ALL RIGHT." He suddenly yells scaring almost everyone in the room. He suddenly pulls the phone away staring at it before looking up." What the matter Toshinori?" Nezu asks a worried expression on his face. "It's midoriya, I need a exorcist, he's being attacked by one of those things." He stutters out. Komui mutters a small curse. Kanda, lavi go with him. He says, I tisk.

I could take care of it myself. I'm not being cocky I'm just very confident in my skills.

Lavi and I follow allmight as he leaves the building. He jumps through the air using his quirk. I do the same. Good thing for my supernatural abilities or my legs would be broken. Lavi runs on the ground barely dodging civilians getting cussed out a few times which made me laugh.

About 10 minutes later we reach a small house peach creamed house, smoke leaked from the windows. Fire trucks and police men surrounded the  small home. We both jump down pushing through the mass of people. 

Allmight and I look to each other before nodding. We both knew our jobs. I would destroy the akuma he would rescue all residents in the home. We enter the home covering our faces. I unsheath Mugen activating him. We both split up.

He goes up stairs I stay down. Carefully I look through the kitchen, which was trashed and the stove was smashed which caused the fire. I move to the living room seeing another trashed room, but nobody was there. I move to the last room. I open the door seeing the akuma on top of the boy pinning him down. I take off running lunging at it. Thrusting my sword. It suddenly looks up dodging. It grabs my wrist throwing me through the window.

I crash through, a shard of glass impaling my shoulder. I land in front of the ground of people. Standing I rip the glass out throwing it to the ground before turning to all the stupid people standing around. "  You idiots, If you stay here you will die. It's your choice."

I say running back through the now broken window. Lavi was fighting the akuma which I could now tell was a level 3, But something was different. Either we're really out of practice or akuma fighting styles have evolved. It wasn't fight how they normally would its as if they have evolved into something stronger. If so then that's going to be a problem.

"Lavi I got the akuma, get the child to safety." He nods falling back.

I grip my sword lunging forward swiping at the akuma.

Black blood leaks from its side, stars forming on the ground where the blood touched. It backs away.

"Lets not be rash exorcist, I wasn't really going to kill the boy. We were just playing around."

I glare at it and without a second thought stabbing the akuma. Light portrays from its body as it explodes then is gone. I sigh leaving the house. Allmight and lavi stood next to a ambulance. I walk over to them.

I see the boy and a woman, possibly his mother." How are they?" The paramedics frown. "Well the mother just has a few fractures in her leg, but the boy needs to be rushed to the hospital, so if you'll excuse us." With that he shuts the doors and they drive off, sirens on.

I clench my fist agitated. I may not like when many people but that doesn't mean I like seeing people get hurt, when I know I could of done more to help." Kanda, it's ok man, there both being taken to the hospital. " I grit my teeth. That boy, Midoriya, Izuku. He was a friend of silver's. Silver did say something about the Noah targeting her friends.

Well since silver can't be here to protect them right now I will.

Me and my family gather around the table. Food is set down in front of us by loyal akuma. "So how is everything going. Road and the twins jump up excited surprising me." We're having so much fun. The United States arnt faring to good with the akuma. Their are exorcists their trying to exterminate them, but there's to many akuma. More exorcists have even been sent from Japan, and the farther regions." Road exclaims.

The twins stand." Yah you should see the humans faces. Their so scared. The hero's they thought were going to protect them are dying right in front of there pathetic faces. It's truly a sight to see." I smile." I'm glad to hear your having fun but don't forget what your suppose to be doing." They both sigh." Yah, yah we know. Target and kill as many exorcists as we can for the final step in our plan." I nod.

"Speaking of the plan the final step will be put into motion very soon." They all smile, some jumping for joy.

Soon, very soon before the whole world is under our control, and the exorcists are nothing but a memory in the past. A memory that should stay in the past.

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