42: Last hope, Gone.

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"The group became larger and larger. We tried to suppress them with peaceful means. Not wanting to start another war. Well things didn't go as planned. The ishballens released some type of gas into the air. We don't know what there intention in doing this was because as soon as anyone breathed the gas into there lungs they dripped dead in seconds."

I stare at him shocked. I know the military's done a lot of wrong to the ishbalens but this. This was taking it a step to far. It like they were spitting in there faces when they were trying to reach a compromise.

"That's not even the worse of it. The gas didn't dissipate like we all thought. It seemed to heavy to travel into the atmosphere. It stayed close to the ground traveling where ever it could. Thousands even millions of people started dying by the day. That's when a small group of alchemists and scientist's got together to try and find a way to make a cure or at least a vaccine that could help fight it off. Well a month went by with no luck. Half the population of the world at this point had died. It seems some people had a tougher immunity to it then most. But eventually they too perished."

He takes a deep breath, making sure I'm still listening.

"After the first month things got even harder as some of our scientists had died due to exposure. Then they started noticing that i, even when exposed for long periods of time, didnt die. They looked into our biologic, Finally Edward, your brother remembered something you had told him. The story about how you became a homunculi. We tried a few experimental procedures on animals which showed no failures in any part-""wait, wait, wait, so your telling me you killed people then experimented on there bodies. Because that's how I came to be who I am. The Noah killed me and that white being in the gate brought me back."

He shakes his head a small smile on his face.

"No, no, no silver you have it all wrong. We were able to modifie the procedure so we didn't have to kill anyone. After that we started treating as many people as we could. It was a success. People stopped dying from the gas. And after a few years the gas went away. The greatest thing about this is that everybody that was treated has the same life expectancy as s normal homunculi. Though they lack our abilities. They are still human though which is amazing."

That truly was amazing bit another thing spiked my curiosity." Is the birth rate the same as before?" He nods." What about the death rate?" He laughs lightly rubbing his neck." Well, no, over the years its slowly declined. Barely anybody died now. It's rare when someone does.

I shake my head. This was worrisome." Pride, you should know as well as I do that when the birth rate goes up and the death rate drops something bads going to happen.

He stares at me. O god, come on pride your smarter then this.

"Come on pride, the population will continue to grow untill you face worse problems of food, shelter, water. Something needs to change or I promise you those problems will be in your near future." He sighs shaking his head.

"Well enough of our glumy history tell me. Are you on vacation? Is he your lover?" I face Palm, damn pride way to make this awkward.

"Pride shut up, no I'm not here on vacation, and NO he is NOT my lover. I'm hundreds of years old. Bakugo is not even sixteen here." I say placing a hand on bagugos head only to have him slap it away." Boy don't slap me I will leave you here in this world."

Pride suddenly starts laughing." Don't worry young Bakugo, I highly doubt silver would leave you here. She's to caring for that."

I glare at pride which he waves off." So why are you here?" We both sit back down as I look to Bakugo. He sighs putting his head down.

"Well I guess I showed start from when I first left."

I take a deep breath before looking back up to prides eager face.

"I left early that night when I had a dream about the millennium earl killing Allen. I returned home only to Allen safe and sound but then the earl stabbed me through the chest. I fell unconscious and my innocence trapped me in a crystal like formation.

A few hundred years later I wake up to a world with quirks. It's basically a world were humans possess special abilities of all sorts. Bakugo here possesses the quirk explosion. But it seems since we passed through the gate he cannot use it. But to carry on I joined a school to become a hero. A few months later I found out most of the exorcists were still alive. That's when the Noah appeared and started hurting people close to me. They hurt Bakugo. Now they've attacked another yound student. The demon was able to some how get its naste blood into midoriyas. We would give him a blood transfusion, only the dark matters now starting to infect the rest of his body. I can't purify him and NO medicine or quirk can slow, stop, nor heal it from spreading. I'm here because I need to learn Alkahestry.

It's the last thing we have to try before the dark matter does more damage then anyone or thing can repair and kills him." The last part I grab bakugo's hand. I know he likes midoriya, as in, like, like. He's like an elementary schooler when it comes to this type of stuff this.

Looking to pride he looked shocked, then a depressed look crosses his face." Silver, I'm very sorry and wish we could be of help to you but, the whole Chang family was wipped out before we could save them!"

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