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Walking to the shower I'm surprised to still see some girls in there changing. Ignoring them I grab some random clean training outfit and head to the shower. I do all I need to do before getting out. The lucky thing about short hair is its easy to take care of.

Getting dressed I put my socks and coat back on. I leave heading out, my dirty clothes in hand.

Walking to nezus office I grab a plastic bag for my clothes. Nezu and Aizawa were there talking. I'm about to leave when scarves wrap around my body. On instinct my shadows release pointing at the scarves user. It was Aizawa. "There's your answer." Aizawa says turning back to nezu. I stare at them confused as Aizawa releases me." What was that about?" Nezu looks up from writing something." We were testing if Aizawa erasing quirk would be able to neutralize your quirk or innocence. Obviously it failed and he wasn't able to contain it." I smirk laughing a bit. "That wasn't my innocence. I harbor more then one power in my body. My homunculi side. My non-active Noah side and my innocence. So you won't be able to cancel all of my powers maybe my innocence if your lucky but the others, nope." I say with a straight forward face. Nezu sighs Aizawa just stands there.

"O well silver we decided that even though you just took the test you are more then qualified for our hero course. You'll be in class 1-A." I nod. With that I turn leaving the room.

I groan rolling out of bed. It's been a few weeks since the entrance exam and today was the first day of school.

Getting up I get dressed in my normal attire. I won't wear the uniform. I leave.when I'm done.

I arrive to the school walking to my class. I already toured the class a week ago so I knew where it was. Walking in I'm surprised to see midoriya and Bakugo.

"Midoriya, Bakugo I didn't know you were signing up for this school." They both turn. Bakugo looked p***** for some reason. Midoriya just looked scared.

"Silver what are you doing here?" Midoriya asks. I shrug,"Nezu wanted me to come here so I could get me hero licence. I'm already qualified for it, i just need the proper schooling for it. If that makes sense?"

A few other students who had been listening looked confused. The one kid who called me out at the assembly from before stands. "You, your not wearing your uniform again." He states a furious look on his face. I sweatdrop." I'm not going to wear the uniform because I don't like it. The principle and teachers are already aware and are ok with it. Well not ok more like will accept it." Aizawa suddenly walks in." Ok students today I'll be testing you. Who ever scores the worst out of the whole class will be expelled from the school. Go get dressed and meet in the court yard." I almost laugh at all of the horrified faces.

Us girls go to our locker room. And the boys go to there's. Walking in I grab my size that's hanging up, Size Small.

Getting dressed im aware of many eyes on me. Pulling my shirt over my head I turn see most of the girls staring at me flabbergasted." What?" I ask confused. Did I not have the outfit on right?

A girl with short brown hair steps forward." It's just your covered in scars and you have a lot of muscle. Maybe even more then some of the boys." I look away not knowing what to say." Um thanks I guess." She nods smiling. Finishing up we leave. I don't put my coat back on. I wouldn't want to damage it in something as minor as this.

"Ok as I said before today I'll be testing you. Who ever scores the worst out of the whole class will be expelled from the school. So try your best.

He makes a list of names And events. The events seemed pretty childish to me though.

We raced to see who was the fastest. We junped to see who could jump the furthest. After a few more random tests it was time to throw a ball. Really throw a ball. We had to use our innocence-i mean quirks though.

Bakugo goes first. He throws it pretty far gaining compliments from the class. I don't really pay attention, randomly thinking back to when me and Allen arm wrestled and I broke his arm. I'm snapped out of my thoughts be a hand in my face. Looking up I'm surprised to see its lida." Your up". I nod walking over to the circle. Which power should I use. My innocence is useless at a time like this. My shadows may be of assistance but not by much. Alchemy wouldn't help. Using my homunculi strength is the only way.

My eye suddenly activates narrowing in on something in the distance. Focusing in on it I'm stunned. No they should be extinct. But if there here that means, the earls still alive.

Activating my innocence I touch the ball purifying it. Stepping back I aim right at the akuma and throw it as hard as I can. Within seconds there's a loud explosion. Turning I look to Aizawa who stared at me with a shocked expression.

"I'm going to speak with nezu." Turning around my innocence and eye deactivate. Running back to the locker room i grab my cloths quickly changing. I run to nezus office seeing his office empty except for the secretary." Excuse me miss but where's nezu? I need to speak with him immediatly." She nods." He's in classroom 2-B right now giving a presentation." I smile hurrying out the door while yelling thanks back to her.

Running down the hallway I slam the door open making the class and teachers jump. Nezu looks up wide eyed." Silver im teaching right now, whatever it is can wait till after." I shake my head groaning his arm." No it cannot. We need to speak now." I all but yell. Can you blame Me? I was frantic. I just found out that the Noah were still alive and were still creating akuma.

He sighs excusing himself. We step into the empty hall.

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