44: Silver's quest

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Leaving the ring i drag Bakugo by the arm door which is suddenly blocked by most guys in the club." Now, now missey, it seems you don't know the rules of this club. The only way you leave the ring is if you give up or die." I glare at the man, my shadows rising to hang over us." No apparently you don't understand, missey. We will be leaving this club even if I have to tear you limb from limb." Most smirk until one guy speaks up.

"Holy sh** dudes, she's an original. Look at her hand." Looking down I see  my red homunculi symbol it gleaned against my pale skin." Wait look at her, short silver hair, black arm, red homunculi symbol and that scar. It has to be her. The girl named silver, Edward and Alphones Elric's older sister." There's silence before I smell urine. Looking around I notice a few of the guys had pis*** themselves.

I couldn't hold back my laughter at that moment. Bakugo laughs too. Looking down I smack him again." WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I glare at him smacking him again." First of all don't yell at me, SECOND YOUR STILL IN TROUBLE FOR ME HAVING TO COME ALL THE WAY HERE TO GET YOUR A**." He looks down again tsking. I sigh" let's just go the train will be leaving soon.

My shadows lunge forward causing a few girly streaks to leave the men. They push the men to the sides making a clear path to the door. Picking Bakugo up, I immediatly take off running. 30 minutes later we arive back at the house.

Bakugo immediatly goes to take a shower. I heat up our food in the microwave rating mine. When bakugo's out I give him his. He stares at it with a what the f*** expression. Did i mention I shaped the eggs and bacon to make a smiley face. Even his breakfast is happy. I laugh a bit before taking a quick shower.

By the hour were in a train to the west where hopefully we can find what were looking for.

We arrive at the train station. I was surprised. It gave me the impression of what india looked like. Of course I've never been to India, Allen told me about his visit there. I grab our small back packs giving Bakugo his. It contained our yesterday cloths which I washed last night.

Leaving the train station I'm suddenly aware of all the stands. They sold things from fruit, vegetables, metal, jewelry, meat, animals and more. It would of been nice to look around but we didn't have the time and needed to go. Walking through the large crowds, people bombard us with there products which I politely decline.

Bakugo on the other hand yells at anyone who gets near him. The sight made me laugh as everyone near us moved away in fear of the blond boy.

Coming to the end of town I see a large castle. It was beautiful. Apparently when the whole clan had been wiped out the castle was left alone to collect only dust.

I begin walking towards the castle. Reaching the large front doors Bakugo tries opening them, but no matter what they wouldn't budge. I try opening the doors, to my surprise they open.

Walking in I see a beautiful room covered in dust. I guess nobody has been here since the incident." Ok Bakugo you know what to look for. Be careful too. I don't know what could be in here.

I sit next to milleny. Everybody in the Noah family sat and stood around the table since there were so many of us.

"Any news on silver and the boy?" Tyki asks staring blankly at me. I smile.

"The boys name in Midoriya, Izuku. He's 14, 5,5. He goes to U.A. He's a close friend to silver and the blond boy you stuck a tease in Tyki. He lived with his single mother until the akuma we sent attacked him. Though the boy didn't die. Exorcists killed the akuma before it could kill him. Though when I visited the boys room I read the report. He's in critical condition and getting worse. Black stars have started appearing on his skin so I think the akuma blood entered his blood stream. I say the boy has less then 2 weeks to live." I say taking a deep breath. Milleny gets up patting my head."

"Good road, it's time we started our final faze of the plan. The villains have secretly been gathering for months. In two day we will attack. We know silver and any exorcists will do there best to protect the boy and class. In the midist of the battle attack each and every student in class 1-A. She can't save them all while also trying to save civilians." They all smirk." O by the way how are the United States." The twins laugh.

"The exorcists Truely have grown weak over the years. Almost of of them have been killed off and the human government can't do anything. There weapons are useless against our akuma." The both say.

I smile"ok meeting adjourned, go home and get some sleep. Your going to need it."

Opening my eyes all I see is white. Looking around I notice that it wasn't wearing any clothing. I try covering myself the best I can. Nothing was as far as I could see. It was just all white.

Turning around I jump getting in a defensive position while trying to cover myself. Which wasn't working very well. There stood an all white figure with no features except for a mouth. Who was this guy.

"You have nothing to fear, I won't hurt you." I don't answer still cautious and weary of the strange being.

It chuckles." What's the last thing you remember?" Thinking back at first I couldn't remember any but then it hits me. The last thing I remembered was being attacked by that akuma.

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