17: I've been selfish

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I made this video. I do not own any of the characters or the song.

I stayed in the ark a few days just catching up with the exorcists, even a few I didn't know well. I haven't told Allen yet about me and kanda getting married. I want to to surprise him. Wait till he finds out him and kanda will be brothers in law.

Me and allen have been hanging out a lot. I really missed my twin. Tomorrow I was going to bring him, kanda, lavi and leenale to UA so they could meet everybody. Plus we needed to find Timcampy. He never showed up at the store. He's probably sulking in the classroom waiting for my return.

For the rest of the day I just hang out with kanda and Allen.

Soon we all go to sleep.

I wake in the morning excited. Today was the day I introduce my family to my friends at UA. Jumping out of bed I throw on my normal attire. Not my school uniform. Black exorcist pants, crop top shirt, my exorcist coat,  and my boots. I pretty much just look exactly like Allen except for the shirt.

I run back into the room jumping on the bed. Leaning down I kiss kanda. "Yuuu please wake up. It's morning." He smiles opening his eyes." What a nice way to wake up." I laugh hoping up." Get dressed today I'm taking you guys to UA." He nods getting up." I'll be right back I'm going to go wake lavi and Allen.

I run to lavis house first since its closer. I don't knock as I get to his house walking right there. Lavi was passed out on the couch in yesterday's clothes getting closer I notice he stunk. Damn lavi. "Lavi wake up were going yo UA today." He slowly wakes up nodding. Rubbing his face." Take a shower and change your clothes you stink. We're leaving in 1 hour." He yawns getting up going to the bathroom. I leave lavis house heading to Allen's. I get there in minutes.

Walking in I immediatly walk to Allen's room seeing him passed out drooling a bit. I snicker at my twin.

I lean over to his ear." Allen time to get up." He doesn't move. I smirk backing up into the hallway. I take off jumping on the bed. Allen bolts up screaming." I laugh clutching my stomach." What the hell silver!" He says pouting." Aww don't be mad you just wouldn't wake up." He sighs getting out of bed." Get ready, we leave in one hour." I say leaving his room.

I leave his house walking to the cafeteria. I order some food and wait for everybody.  About 45 minutes later everybody there eating their breakfast." Are you guys ready?" They nod still partially asleep." Well good, when we first get to the school we can't go right in though. The school has a security barrier around it, so anybody without a special student ID, can't cross it without triggering the alarm." They nod." Ok are you ready?" "Yah I'm ready to get out here, I've spent to much time here." Lavi says. Everybody nods there's heads in agreement.

I smile. We get up putting our dirty dishes in the sink and leave the ark.

Soon enough we reach the city then the school. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as I jumped out of the truck.

Walking to the gate I press the com getting a beep." Hello how may I help you?" I smile, it was nezu." Hi nezu its me silver. Sorry I've been away so long its a really long story. But in short I found out the exorcists are alive and they want to meet everybody." The com beeps again letting me know he turned it off. The gates open and nezu walks out from the school to greet us. Suddenly lida speeds up to us." Hi lida are you out for a afternoon run? Wait why are you out of class? I ask. Lida was stickler for good grades and being punctual. It was unlike him to skip class."

He pants hands on his knees. He was sweating badly." Nezu we need help. Villains attacked the training hall. Aizawa sensei won't last long." Wait What? Did I just hear him correctly?

"Lida, where?" He looks at me." There at the training center. You know the one we've been talking about for the last few weeks now." Holy crap I forgot about that. Thanks for making me feel stupid lida." Im going" I turn back to Allen and the others." I have to go guys I'm sorry. My friends are in danger and I need to be there to help them." Before they have time to say anything I take off running.

"Please let me get there in time. Please let them be ok. Please be ok, please. How could I have let this happen? I've been selfish. Going off on my own for a few days. Not keeping watch over the class. It's my fault there in this predicament. If I was their now I could protect them but I'm not. Please God, who evers listening, please let them be ok. I'll protect them just give me a little bit of time." I was running faster then I ever had before. But it didn't seem like I was running fast enough. It was going to take to long. Come on silver run faster, you can do it."

It takes me approximately 5 minutes 30.4 seconds to reach the training center. Running inside I'm stunned at the sight. Blood, there was blood everywhere. In the center of the building stood a grayish black monster. Aizawa was underneath it laying in blood. His own blood. My blood boils at the sight. And something snaps inside me.


" GET YO M***** F****** HANDS OFF OF AIZAWA-SENSEI BEFORE I F******* BREAK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU P**** A** PRICKS IN TWO." I scream activating my innocence. Everybody in the building stares at me. Then half of them begin laughing

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