51: Slave to the gate.

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I open my eyes with a gasp. Looking around I realize I'm laying on the ground in my mother's lap. I sit up immediatly looking around. I see everybody standing around. At the sight of me up though they start cheering." Silver, where's silver?" I ask looking through the crowd of people.

"She's not here yet" kirishima says smiling. Bakugo stood next to him staring at the ground. Tears form in my eyes as I knew what that ment. "She's not coming back is she midoriya?" I look up again to see Bakugo walking towards me.

I didn't want to answer but I had to." No, I tried to stop her but she refused." He clenched his fists." Midoriya why didn't you wake up after recovery girl healed you." Uraraka asks worriedly." I sigh," from what silver implied a bit, was that I died before I could be healed. The bond between my body and soul had been broken. If silver hadn't of sacrificed herself for me, I would be dead now.

My mother gasp more tears falling from her already swollen eyes." O my baby boy. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." She sobs into my side.

" oooy Deku stop making your f****** mother feel bad." Bakugo says running at me. I laugh a bit wiping my tears. Silver may not be here but we were all going to live and it was all thanks to her and Allen.

It's been 5 months since silver saved my life. There haven't been any signs of akuma since the incident. The Noah family, what was left if them was purified and turned back into regular humans though their stigmata remains. They live regular lives now. Road goes to elementary school. And the others found jobs.

The exorcists work as special enforcement hero's. Basically there called if there's a situation normal heroes just can't overcome. There doing good as well.

Everyone in class 1-A has almost gone back to normal. Well except for me and Bakugo. I can tell her death really hurt him. He must of loved her.

Me on the other hand. I now have night terrors from when I was brought to the gate. I fear going back to that place. I fear seeing the evil black being clawing at me again. I'm going to therapy now to try and a coping mechanism. I mostly try to think happy thoughts, like when silver saved me or my all might plush.

Life's good for the most part.

When we had her funeral, people from all over the world came to attend, even if there wasn't a body to barrie or burn. Both Allen and Silver were considered hero's. Especially silver. They both were even given statues in there honor. It was a true day to remember. Everybody in the world knew of her and would for many years to come.


Opening my eyes i look around in shock. Where was I? Was this hell? It certainly wasn't what I expected. I thought there would be fire, lava. demons, and a demon sitting a top a thrown. Looking around I don't see anything. Turning back around I gaps backing up. There stood the white being and that horrid black gate behind him.

He smiles." It's nice you've finally woken up. I have a job for you"

I stare at him still stunned. "What is it?" He grins." You will be judging the souls of the dead from now on. You will stay here for as long as I need use of you." I gulp starting to cry. I was wrong.

This was hell. Even in death I'm not free. Why is fate so cruel to me? Why can't I just be at peace? "Don't cry, it will only make eternity seem that much longer."

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