20: Deal

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Leaving the store we begin walking back home with a handful of grocery bags. Getting home only kanda was awake. I smile giving him a kiss before going to the kitchen and putting everything away.

I as well start making breakfast like oatmeal and eggs.

When that's done I wake lavi and Allen up and we all eat. I turn on the news. The attack of the training center was still on the news. No surprise there. The school called saying school would be cancelled for the next few days. Aizawa was in the hospital still with serious injuries. If I hadn't healed him a bit he would of died. The thought makes me smile knowing I helped save him. But it hurts knowing I couldn't of done more to help. Sighing I feel arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my neck.

"What's the matter, you seem stressed?" Kanda asks turning me around. I sigh again." It's just with everything going on. I think I need a break from it all." He smirks" why don't we have a date day then." He suggests waning a smile from me and an aww from leenale. I nod" yah that sounds nice what do you want to do?" He smiles." What DO you want to do?" I laugh.

"How about we just walk around the city maybe go to the park." He nods. I leave the kitchen going to our room to get dressed. I decide on something casual. Just some black stretchy pants and a white crop top.

Leaving the room I see kanda wearing jeans and a long sleeve black dress shirt with the sleeves roles up to his elbows. All in all he looked hot.

"Ready?" I nod taking his out stretched hand smiling." Now you kids behave yourselves, no getting into trouble!" Lavi says winking. I groan and kanda pulls us out of there. While we walk out i could hear Allen yelling at lavi.

First we walk to the park just spending time together. We went down the slides, well I did. Kanda pushed me on the swings. We climbed a big tree and walked around the park.

We sat by a lake feeding some ducks. I had bought a hot dog from a hot dog vender. I ate the hotdog but was feeding the ducks the bread. It was very peaceful until I hear a loud growl. Looking over I see kanda holding his stomach." Aww is kanda hungwy?" I ask in a baby voice." He nods. Getting up I help him up. We both head to a nearby café.

Walking in im surprised about how many people are here. We didn't leave though because there were no other cafés in the area. A lady with bright blond hair,and hazel eyes wearing skin tight clothes comes up to us. Her bust looked as if it was trying to escape her shirt. She smiles grabbing some menus and leading us to a table.

"Do you already know what you want to drink, or should I come back?" She asks eyeing kanda like he was a piece of candy." I'll just take a water. What would you like silver?" Kanda asks unaware that the lady was practically eye rapping him." Water" I say with a smile.

Villain Headquarters 5 hour prior

I sit in my chair at the bar scratching my neck. If that damned girl hadn't of been their, we would of had enough time to kill a few students breaking the symbol of peace. But she got in the way. Damn her. I'm suddenly aware of a presence behind me. Turning around ready for a fight I'm surprised when I see a fat, grinning old man with ashen skin wearing a top hat.

"What the h***. Who are you? You've made a mistake on coming here, I'll kill you."

If possible his grin widens and he laughs." Silly human, your measly quirk can't harm me so don't even try. I've come to offer a proposition to you."

I stare at the day geezer with curiosity. What could he possibly have to offer me, the second in command of the league of villains. I wanted to laugh. But keeping my composure I say" ok I'm listening."

He sits on a bar stool across the bar." I've been watching the league of villains for a few days and I've noticed we have a common enemy. The girl who disrupted your plan. Her names silver. I want you to bring her to me."

This old man knew that girl, or atleast enough to hate her. Damn I guess she's p***** off a lot of people.

"What's it it for us. What could you offer that would be of use to us?" I ask eyeing.

He laughs." The greatest thing of all. I can bring the dead back to life using them as my minions. The best part quirks don't work against them. So if you were to fight a hero they would definitely lose."

My eyes widen" IMPOSSIBLE there's no way to bring the dead back to life. No quirk exists like that. If it did I would know and already have it." This guys was insane, no such thing existed in this world." That where your wrong, it's not a quirk and its not from another world. It's from this world, from centuries ago. The best part about it is only a select few in my family can make them."

Thinking about it I grin. This didn't seem like a bad idea. All he wants is the girl dead, no problem." You've got a deal-""Earl, Millenium Earl. But call me Earl. I nod" You've got yourself Earl. Now tell me where I can find this girl and its done."

I try my best to ignore the lady and smile at kanda. "So kanda there's been a few things I wanted to talk to you about. The first being we need to tell everybody else about us getting married." He groans but nods." The second, well promise you won't freak out?"

He looks at me suspiciously before nodding." Kanda I'm pr-" here's your water." The lady says interrupting me from giving kanda the big news. I glare at her." Are you guys read to order?"

"No can you give us a few more minutes?" She nods, eyeing me before Walking away. I sigh picking up the glass chugging the water down till only a quarters left." Listen kanda I've wanted to tell you for a few days now I just haven't known how to, but I guess this is as good a time as any other."

Taking a deep breath I finally continue." Kanda I'm pregnant."

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