32: Commas

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(warning next paragraph can be a little gruesome in the details)

In that moment some how I fought through the pain gritting my teeth. Jumping down I stumble over to where silver is. She stood leaning to the side, barely conscious. Blood dripped from, well almost everywhere. Pieces of rock were embedded deeply into her sides and stomach. Her skin was burned away in multiple places leaving nothing but bloody tissue. Her left arm was bent in an odd direction letting us know immediatly that it was broken. But the worst of everything was her chest. The skin was burned away revealing her stone which was pulsing a violent red. Only a long jagged crack was now imprinted on the stone. At that moment everything just became to much as I drop to the ground passing out.

After Allen collapsed people started screaming from all around the stadium. Teachers from all around ran out to help the 3 injured students and civilian. Immediatly there put on stretchers being rushed to the nearest hospital. Out of all three silver,was the worst and didn't look like she would live through this, homunculi or not.

The three students are rushed into surgery. Midoriya just needed the bones in his arms and hands set then wrapped.

Allen needed stitches for the mysteries wound on his chest. Other wise he was fine.

Silver on the other hand was in critical condition. The shards of rock that had pierced her side and stomach had pieced vital organs. Though she healed faster then normal humans it still wasn't enough. The bones in her left arm had to be reset. They had no idea if she would ever be able to use it again from the damage it sustained. The ligament had been torn and the joints snapped apart.

They managed to stop the bleeding from the parts of her body that had the skin burned away. But they couldn't really do anything for burns like this. I mean there's certain fish skin that could possibly help but it's thousands of dollar's.

Finally it came down to the wound on her chest. The stone had dimmed back to its original color. Not knowing What it was the doctors try removing it. As soon as one doctor touches it though silver's body jerks violently in a seizure. Immediatly they deem not to mess with it and to just close the wound with a lot of stitches.

Silver's surgeries took in total 4 days to complete. Every day the doctors were back at the hospital for the surgery on her. In the end when they roled her into trauma one they had no idea if she was going to live. They had never seen such wounds on a person. They could only wish for the best.

Todoroki felt terrible. It's his fault silver's in the hospital near death. He never wanted to use his left side but midoriya made him feel for once that it was ok. It was his quirk not his father's. But now he wasn't so sure. This was even more of a reason not to use his left side.

Midoriya felt horrible as well. He was to blame as well. Silver was his friend he couldn't believe the fight went that far someone he holds dear is laying on her death bed. He was ashamed.

2 weeks later
Allen and silver still haven't woken up and show no signs of it any time soon. The exorcists and class mates, and teachers were all very worried. None of them knew if they would wake up. Silver and Allen were different from the rest of the exorcist, especially silver. Her being a hybrid of two different species and the powers of the Noah inside her. Even though Allen didn't go through the same changes then she did they were both effected on the same emotional level. One at which nobody had ever seen.

To make it worse the Noah had made there move. Akuma were starting to pop up randomly in Japan and people were being reported missing with no explanation. To say in the least they really needed Allen and silver to wake up. Allen could fight but even if silver woke up, if she didn't heal there was way she was fighting.

Looking around I find myself in an all white room. There were two doors one white with the black yin symbol and a black with the yang symbol. There was nothing else in the room. I immiditly walk to the black door opening it. Inside I see Allen unconsious strapped to a chair, next to him stood the 14th.

"What the hell 14th where are we and why cant we leave." He laughs shaking his head. Your unconscious in the real world, both of you and I'm keeping you here till I'm able to gain control of one of your bodies." I stare at him." Your fucking crazy, there's no way your keeping us here and your not taking one of our bodies." He laughs." Really now, your both twins, your souls are bound by one. I'm able to use one of you as my body. One of you will falter. With that he disappears. Running over to Allen I start shaking him. He groans before opening his eyes. They were blood shot like he's been crying.

"O god Allen what's wrong? What happened?" He smiles." Your alive I thought you died." I stare at him confused.

"What do you mean?" He stares at me." You jumped in between those two students blasts and were severely injured." I laugh I'll be alright as soon as we get out of here. He frowns more.

" I don't know about that this time silver. You've taken a lot of damage in the past but not as bad as this. Silver not a part of your body was uninjured in some way. I know you have healing but, that might not be enough this time. You were really bad." He says a few tears falling from his face. I sigh,"it's ok Allen we'll get out of here and I'll show you im alright. That's a promise.

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