50: Enter with no exit

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"What silver, you can't. From what you've told me that's a place souls never return from." Smiling I turn around." It's ok kanda, I love you, but I must do this. I'm the only one who can anyway." He sighs knowing he can't stop me.

Slowly I get down on the ground pulling the chalk from my pocket I draw the circle.

I'm slow but eventually I get it down.

I stand in the circle. I put a barrier around the circle." Sorry bakugo you definitely can't come this time." He frowns.

Looking back to the circle I Take a deep breath. Clapping my hands I slam them down on the ground. The normal blue, white light surrounds me. The next thing I know I'm standing in front of the gate.

There sat the white being and Midoriya.

I run run over to him dropping to my knees. "O god midoriya, we've all been so worried about you." He doesn't say anything. I do my best to not look down since, well he's naked and that would be really weird.

"Midoriya, are you ok?" He finally looks up with a sad smile." Yah, I'm fine, Elizabeth." I stare at him." Midoriya what happened, you've never called me by my birth name?" He looks back down.

"Silver am I really good enough to be a hero?" I don't answer right away shocked he asked that question. What did the white being do to him." I mean how could I? I was born quirkless. And even after all of my hard work, I still can't control my quirk that well and I can't protect anyone, let alone myself. You should just leave me he-"

I slap him in the face. I didn't know what else to do. "Midoriya, you doubting yourself for a second is your downfall. I've seen your will Midoriya. Don't put yourself down. Your one of the greatest hero's I've ever met. Your heart is right were it needs to be. Please don't doubt your ability." He sighs.

"How would you know? Your the almighty silver. Capable of almost anything?"

I frown." I know full well midoriya. From the day I lost my adopted family did I doubt myself. I thought if I could get stronger k could protect everyone. I was so wrong. I still hold the philosophy today. That's my downfall. I can't let go and I never will. You may think I'm all powerful, but I'm not. In a way I'm just a normal human. One day I will die just like everyone else. I will be judged. What I'm trying to say Midoriya is that, you have to believe in yourself. If not then you'll go no where in life. Think of your mom, your friends. You made your mother so proud when you got your acceptance letter. You even scare Bakugo a bit . He likes and feels threatened by you."

I slap a hand over my mouth. I did not mean to say that.

Midoriya looks up eyes wide." Kacchan likes me?" I give him a closed eyes smile." You may think he hates you but he doesn't. He just respects you. Not that he'll show it. His prides to big for that."

A wide smiles crosses his face. He stands covering himself. Which I'm grateful for. I'm lucky I'm wearing clothes.

"Silver, quick question. Why am I naked and your wearing clothes?" I blush a bit avoiding eye contact. This was so awkward." I honestly don't know, it's weird."

The white being chuckles drawing both of our attention.

"It's simple really Midoriya, Izuku. You here by your soul form. Silver is here by her physical form. She does not posses her soul or her soul form anymore so she can only come here in her natural body." We both nod. That made sense.

Stepping forward I get to the matter at hand. "You've already taken my soul, the only thing I have left to offer you is my physical body and life. In return you let midoriyas soul travel back to his body and let him live the rest of his life."

Midoriyas eyes widen." What no silver, you can't. You cant die. We all need you. You've become a great friend to everyone. What about kanda, what about Cival, and your brother, they all need you too?" A few tears fall down my cheeks. I turn to midoriya with a smile.

"Midoriya, your familiar with the concept of equivalent exchange right?" He nods his head." Well in this case your soul is trapped here. And unless something of equal value is exchanged you will suffer here. Listen midoriya I've lived a long full life. Your still very young. You deserve a chance at life, to grow up. Get married, have kids and die warm in your bed." He stares at me shocked until tears start falling down his face again.

"But don't you deserve those things too?" I smile, this kid was too kind." I grew up, got married and had a kid. I'm happy with the life I've lived. Midoriya do me a favor, a last favor. Live your life to the fullest. Be the best hero in the history of hero's." I say hugging him.

He hugs back clinging to my body. O midoriya you've come such a long way. But there's still so much you have left to experience in life.

"Well I'll accept your offer, though I will alter your terms a bit. I will let you know what they are once the boys soul returns to his body. At that point you can never return to the mortal realm unless I have given you permission." I nod.

He snaps his fingers and Midoriya suddenly gasps. Looking I realize why. My clothes had begun disappearing. I cover myself. Looking I then see midoriya was becoming transparent.

He stares at his hands." What no, silver please. Come with me." I smile at him one last time." Tell kanda and Allen I love them." And with that he disappears.

Turning I see the being smirking. The new terms are, your going to stay here. You won't be judged. I feel you could be of use to me. So you will remain here until I see fit. At that moment my heart sinks. I'm f*****!

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