6: New friends

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Class just ended. I was about to get up when I'm blocked by most of the students. Looking up I see they had a determined look on there faces.

"Uhh yes" uraraka steps forward grinning." We decided we want to get to know you some more. So tonight were all going out to go roller skating." I shrug not really caring.

How could I let them drag me into this? This activity is more dangerous then fighting akuma. Currently I had on skates and was holding onto Midoriya and Todoroki for dear life. It's only been 10 minutes and I've already fallen on my face twice.

"How do you guys not fall?" Midoriya laughs." Just balance yourself. Put one foot in front of the other and push off." I sigh letting go of both of my life lines. Slowly I push off using the wall following midoriyas instructions. I slowly start rolling forward. A smile makes its way to my face. Slowly I turn gaining more control over these bloody things. I smile, I'm getting the hang of this.

I feel a hand grab mine. Looking over I see its uraraka." Are you having fun silver." I smile nodding," yah I am I've never done anything like this before. It's pretty cool. She smiles." Well as much fun as your having its time to eat. And we better hurry before the boys eat all the pizza." I laugh following her off the skate floor. We make our way to the table to see everyone already there eating.

" yay there's still pizza" uraraka squeals skating over towards the pizza. I laugh at her childish ways." Come over here too silver your far to skinny you should eat more." Froppy says. I laugh shaking my head taking a seat grabbing a slice. Maybe just for tonight I'll let myself have this fun.

For the rest of the night we all hang out eating and skating. I really got to know my class mates better, even lida who as I got to know him didn't seem like he had a stick up his a** anymore. He was actually pretty cool.

Maybe I should tell them I'm an exorcist. But what if they don't except me? Tons of people still discriminate against exorcists thinking we are the reason the world turned out the way it did. And if that were to happen I would make a new enemy, my face would be public enemy number 1.

Maybe I should wait, yah that's what I'll do. I'll wait till when I know the times right.

Going to class the next day was more enjoyable. Me and a few people held decent conversations. I'm still trying g to remember people's names. I'm terrible at names so I think I'm just going to start giving people nicknames.

By the time school ended I was ready to hit the gym. Me, kirishima, Bakugo, midoriya, Todoroki and uraraka were all going to hit the gym.

We all walk to the gym separating to go to the locker rooms. I set my backpack down pulling out a sports bra and basket ball shorts. I also change my boots for sneakers. When I'm done I walk out to the punching bag. Lots of people stop to stare at my body but I ignore them. I grab some tape and start wrapping my hands.

I had just started on the punching bag when I see the boys come out. They were all in t-shirts and shorts. Their faces turn a bright red when they see me. Walking over midoriya starts stuttering ." Hay silver don't you think you should put on a little more then that." Looking down at my outfit I shake my head." No I'm good besides if you can't handle a half naked girl then you need to grow some because if you don't you'll be alone for the rest of your life." They looked shocked that I said that." I can handle anything, no girls going to distract me." Bakugo announces his face still a slight red." I burst of laughing." Ok Bakugo, what about you todoroki, can you handle it?" I tease. He had a hand to his face shaking his head. He takes his hand away mumbling something. His face was still bright red.

He sighs before nodding. Uraraka comes out looking confused." What's going on." I just laugh harder going back to the punching bag.

For an hour I stay on the punching bag till I change to push ups recently I start switching off arms because It was getting too easy. Eventually I switch to Allen exercise the one handed one he showed me while doing the hand stand.

I do that for a while. It was funny because the boys tried it only successfully falling on there faces.

After about three hours the boys and uraraka take a break sitting down. I start doing sit ups hanging from the monkey bars." How do you do it? We just did three hours of intensive exercise and your barely sweating." Kirishima asks panting. I laugh nervously jumping down. I take a seat next to them.

I look around watching the other people doing there training. There was even this really buff guy lifting weights. I didnt know how to answer his question. Maybe i should just tell them. If there my friends then they'll accept me for who I am right?

Taking a deep breath. I'm about to start speaking when my eye suddenly activates. Looking around I spot a man outside the gyms window staring  at me." S*** It's an akuma." It transforms showing its horrible metal body. Guns come out aiming at me." S***,s***,s***,s***. Guys listen to me I'll explain later but right now I need you to run." I say, my innocence activating. They stand looking to were I was looking. The akuma fires.

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