37: Purification

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I was laying on my bed playing videos games when my phone suddenly starts vibrating like crazy. Pausing the game I pick it up seeing I had four messages from Bakugo. Each one said the same thing.

Midoriyas been attacked and is in the hospital in critical condition. I visited him and he started freaking out saying they were coming for class 1-A. Text this to everyone. I don't have everyone's numbers.

I lay there shocked. What the hell? This had to be a joke. Yah this had to be? Midoriyas one of the strongest in our class, he can handle himself can't he. I decide to text Bakugo back.

K- Dude are you series or is this just some sick joke?

Almost immediatly I get a reply back.

B- what the F*** man, I may not like Izuku that much but I wouldn't play like this. It isn't a joke Izuku is in the hospital. Turn your t.v to the news station.

Turning my game off I flip it to the news station. At first it was doing the weather but then the breaking news sign comes on.

                  Breaking news.
The midoriya family, a child and his mother are attacked in there own home. The police say that one of the demons that have been wandering the area attacked the boys mother in there home. The boy came home from school and was then attacked as well. The demons been delt with but didn't leave them both without injuries. They both are in the hospital, the mother with minor injuries and the son was left in critical injuries. More will be revealed as its uncovered.

I mute the tv staring down at my phone. I don't know what to say.  How could this of happen.

K-Whats the hospital, and room number?

B- central bay.( made up hospital) C-234.

Scrolling through my contacts I click on everybody from class 1-A.

K-Hay guys midoriyas been attacked by one of those demons and is in the hospital in critical condition. Let's all  2pm . Its central bay, Room C-234.

I send the message falling back onto bed. Damn, why attack midoriya? He's one of the most capable students in our class. And he got pumeled. I gulp trying to clear my head. This was going to be a long night.

It seemed like forever before neah finally showed up. Me and Allen both acted asleep. Me laying on his lap and him leaning against the wall.

Opening my eyes a bit I see neah look around before finally spotting us. Closing my eyes i hear him slowly walk over. My shadows were weak from the lack of darkness in the room, but Allen's light was very strong, which was good. We wait as neah gets closer and closer. Finally bending over he examines us. That's it.

My shadows shoot from the ground wrapping around him. He gasps struggling to break free.

Allen opens his hands a soft light emits from his palms. We both step forward. Shadow emitting from my hand as well.

"Allen before we do this I want you to know I love you." He smiles nodding." I love you to silver." Turning back to neah I see he looked scared.

"Wait, you know you can't kill me, all your Noah powers will leave you I'm bond by your soul." I laugh at his lie.

"Neah we know your lying, I know because after the Noah killed me I was brought back. Something you probably didn't know about me was after you were reawakened I didn't have a soul. My soul is trapped in the gate so technically the only thing binding you to us is Allen's soul. Which with this method you will be purified. Yes sadly the Noah gene will most likely be still active, but then we can fully control it."

His eyes widen a shocked expression on his face. Then he starts laughing.

" I knew you were smart but dang you've exceeded my expectations. Alright purify me I'm ready to go home." I look to Allen who nods.

We both place our hands on neah. My shadows and Allen's light travels into his body. He glows a faint gray for a minute before his body is broken down and disappears.

"Equivalent exchange neah, you've lived longer then most and was gifted with the Noah gene and for that your soul is what's being taken. You won't be seeing the light, the darkness within the gate is the only thing you will see," I whisper.

Looking to the side i see Allen smiling." Silver I've heard you talk about the gate before, what exactly is it?" I shake my head." Allen just know the gate is like the void. Once your dragged in its almost impossible to get out. You spend the rest of eternity in darkness surrounded by others that have just likely been driven crazy from it." He gulps." Damn that's rough.

I nod"are you ready to go home?"

"Yah, I ready to get the hell out of here." I laugh grabbing his hands. We both focas on waking up.

I gasp, feeling nothing but pain. My body felt like it was on fire. Looking around I see I was in a hospital room. Gritting my teeth I sit up. Carefully I stand taking my time.

I could feel it. The Noah lurking within me was gone. Neah was gone. Turning off the heart monitor I take out the wires.

Slowly I open the first door i see. It was a bathroom. In the mirror stood a skinny, scarred up, half human hybrid. The wound on my chest had healed a little bit. But the shine from my stone was clearly visible. So was the faint crack in my stone.

I can't use my stone any more without risking death. I can't die yet. I need to do to many things. One of them raising cival, so he can grow up being a strong powerful exorcist. I can't wait to see him again.

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