22: Birth

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It's been a month since I felt the baby kick. Ive gone and had ultra sounds dpne but i didnt want to know what tbe gender was yet. I wantedit to be a surprise. Kanda wants a little girl. I personally don't care. Right now I look as if im about to pop. I'm suppose to be due sometime in the next 2 weeks. There haven't been any more sighting of the league of villains well except one incident with the villain who goes by the name hero killer. He was killing off hero's. It killed me to just sit here but I needed to think about what's right for my baby.

I sigh sitting in class we were picking hero names. Im just righting down mine. " who would like to go next?" The teacher asks. Nobody raises there hands so I sigh again getting up. Standing I hold up my board." Silver, or you can call me silver exorcist. Either one is good." I say" midnight smiles." That will make a fine hero name silver, just be warned using your real name can be dangerous." I stare at her confused before realizing i never told the class." O silver's not my real name I just go by it. My real names Elizabeth or Bailey, I've had more then a few names in my lifetime." Everybody stares at me in shock. "Wait so silvers not your real name?" Kirishima yells his eyes wide. I shake my head." No I only started to go be that name after my hair turned silverish white. " they nod. " Wait so why did your hair turn white?" Uraraka asks.

I stop. I should of been expecting the question but I wasn't. But gathering some courage I take a deep breath a start." When I was little I didn't have a family. I originally thought I had been abandoned later to find out I wasn't. A nice family with a daughter of there own took me in adopting me as there own. I lived with them for a while until they were killed." I take another deep breath holding back tears.

" I met a man who called himself the millennium earl. I wasn't an exorcist back then and had no knowledge of akuma. So when he offered to bring my sister back to life I jumped at the idea. I called out her name bringing her back. I was so happy to have her back, but she was furious at me for bringing her back. I now know I turned her Into a demon. She cursed me right as the earl gave the order for her to kill me and take my body for her own. At that moment the innocence within my body awoke and killed her before I had a chance to stop it." I say breathing deeply trying to keep the tears at bay.

Everybody stares at the ground probably shocked and sad." Don't be sad though, she's in a better place, her soul is at rest. And anyway I met Allen my biological twin. I even met my biological father and found out I had two more brothers, but sadly there long dead by now."

There's some smiles from around the room. I suddenly feel a harsh kick in my stomach and liquid dripping down my legs. Looking down I gasp seeing water mixed with blood leaking to the floor. Looking back up I see confused faces from around the room." Aizawa, I think my water just broke." If possible his tired eyes lost all tiredness and widened into shock. But immediatly he rushes over to the phone calling the hospital. Immediatly the girls in the class jump up rushing over to me. The boys were just panicking." Somebody call kanda and Allen." Midoriya snaps out of his shock nodding, he runs over to the phone dialing my house phone. Bakugo suddenly runs over picking me up. He runs out of the class room down the stairs carefully as to not drop me to the front of the school. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach making me groan clutching at it. Bakugo looked more panicked not knowing what to do. A few minutes later the ambulance shows up just as Allen, kanda and lavi run onto school grounds. Kanda and Allen jumps in but lavi stays behind. They pull out a stretcher and Bakugo sets me down on it. They close the doors and were off. Inside the ambulance they were checking to make sure everything was ok. Kanda takes my hand smiling.

He leans down giving me a kiss." Everything will be fine, just breathe." he says, I calm down a bit and smile.

We get to the hospital. They wheel me out into the hospital. Doctors take the stretcher. I feel another stabbing pain making me scream. Kanda rushes into the room with me. Allen stays behind waiting in the other room.

I pace the waiting room. It's been 2 hours since silver went in. Nobodies came out and told me anything so I'm really worried. Taking a seat on a bench I sigh. I feel a hand on my shoulder seeing lavi." Don't worry Allen im sure she's fine. This is silver we're talking about. The girl who can kick all our a**'* easily." I laugh a bit at that." Yah she sure could." The door suddenly opens and out comes a nurse." Allen, lavi. Mrs silver will now see you." We both jump up running over practically pushing the lady out of the way." She's in room 349" the nurse yells to us. We find the room all the way down the hall. Knocking on the door there's a soft come in. Opening it a wide smile immediatly spreads across my face. Silver lay in a hospital bed with a small figure wrapped in a blue blanket. Kanda stood by the side of the bed a smile on his face. The small figure was holding his finger. "It's a boy." I couldnt Contain myself running over gently hugging silver and the new baby.

The baby hand blue hair like kanda, wide silver eyes like silver and I. But taking a look at his chest I gasp.

There on his chest was a green stone. It was in the shape of the same stone silver had but was the color of innocence.

"We don't know anything about it yet. It's pure like innocence but holds the same energy as my stone. We've had him checked out and he's perfectly healthy. Whatever the stone is I'm sure it will begin to show its power as he grows." She says. I nod still not knowing what to think about this mysterious stone in my nephew's chest.

He looks up at me and smiles wide showing his pink gums. I have a feeling his personality is going to fit more to leenales, innocent and soft, then to kanda and silver's harsh ones. I mean silver's sweet and all when she wants to be but can be a little mean to people sometimes.

"What's his name?" I ask. Silver smiles. "We've decided to name him Cival, Kanda, Walker, Elric." She says using all sentimental last names." It's perfect for him."

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