49: War and Midoriya

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There we stood no more then 10 very from each other. The millennium earl was now showing his real colors and what he was like. Even going as far to kill his family members. He was a demon. There was way he had ever been human. If he had he's to corrupt to be saved. Not that I was planning to save him anyway. That Basterd deserves to rot in the gate for the rest of eternity.

He lunges first which I barely dodge, my face gets nicked a bit drawing blood. I role to the side getting up. I lunge at him and we class swords. We both push against Each other trying to best one another in strength. Finally I push him away slashing my sword. I slice him in the stomach earning a growl.

Looking back up I'm suddenly talked to the ground by the crazy fat Basterd." Get the f*** me you crazy Basterd. He leans forward trying to bite me." What the actual f***. He's hit in the head by a force. He looks up getting off me. Looking to the side I see it was Sheril kamelot. I stand releasing my shadows. Just as the earl is about to attack the man I wrap my shadows around him. He couldn't escape.

I smirk walking up to him." You know earl, this will be the last time you manipulate anybody else. The last time you walk this earth. Because I'm sending you straight to the gate. And there you will stay for the rest of eternity. Besides a being that's never been human can't be purified to be a human. That's just not how things work, earl."

He snarls at me struggling to escape. Though I could tell he knew of the place. That's probably where he came from before faint this form. Allen walks up behind me." Shall we end him now?" I nod.

Both raising our swords we both stare down at the man who caused so much suffering to people, ourselves included.

"Any last words Earl?" Allen asks. The man smirks." I'll see you again in the gate every being eventually passes through and when you do I'll hold onto your souls and make sure you never escape." He cackles wildly.

I smirk at that." Actually your wrong, when a being dies they don't return to the gate. They are first judged. If they are innocent they will pass into the cycle of reincarnation. If your found guilty your condemned to the gate. I can tell Allen will reincarnate. Not so sure about myself. But if I see you in there prepare yourself because I'm going to torture you forever."

And with that we both drive our swords through his chest. Slicing through his heart and lungs. Killing him instantly.

Stepping back we both pull our swords out deactivating out innocence.

I look to Allen and give him a smile." Allen whatever happens I want you to know I love you and I'm sorry that I've caused you so much pain and suffering. I wish I could of been a better sis-" a hand slaps over my mouth." Silver be quiet, you have nothing to apologise to me about. If anything I should be apologising to you. I'm your big brother yet I couldn't protect you. And even more saddening, your stronger then me. I'm suppose to be the stronger one." He says pouting.

I laugh staring into his silver gray eyes. Listen Allen if this because to much for you tell me, ok." He nods as we both take hands. I sigh releasing my shadows Allen does the same with his light. They both merge together creating a bright gray ball around us." Ready?" He smiles again." Ready!"

We both pour every once of pour we have into the gray ball. Soon the ball became so think I couldn't see the outside world. We were only minutes in when I hear Allen gasping for air and shaking with exhaustion. I use my stone pouring energy into his body. I could tell he no longer was having trouble. As we continue I look down to my stone. It was flashing a rapid bright red color. I gulp, s***, that isn't good. We both pour all our power into the ball until we couldn't and at that moment I felt my stone crack....... then shatter. I wanted to scream so badly but i held it in. Releasing hands we both fall to the ground.

As I lay there I look from side to side to see akumas exploding in the sky. The trapped souls could be seen passing on. I look to the noahs to see there skin turning white. The stigmata on there foreheads though remained. Then I remember midoriya. Practically jumping up I run to him dropping to my knees. I check for a pulse.

It was weak but there. The good thing is I no longer sensed and dark matter in his body. I gasp as I suddenly feel arms around me. I see kanda, class 1A, the teachers and the rest of the students. Recovery girl speed walks over." No dark matter resides in his body any more. He can now be healed." She immediatly starts healing him.

I turn to kanda." How did you escape my barrier?" I ask.

He sighs hugging me." The barrier started flicking then it disapeared. When we went outside we saw akuma exploding. That's when we ran here.

I smile looking back to recovery girl. She had finished kidding his wounds healing him." He should of woken up. His body is clear of dark matter. Somethings wrong." I say managing to stand with help from kanda.

For the next few minutes we just stare at his unloving body. He showed no signs of waking up.

"I need to go." "What? Go? Go where?"

I look away." Midoriyas soul should have returned to his body by now. Somethings not right. I need to travel to the begining of the gate and find out why."

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