15: I'M BACK B*****

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He takes off running pulling me into his chest hugging me tight. A sob slips through his lips letting me know he didn't care if anyone saw him crying. A similar sob leaves my mouth as I clutch onto his black hoodie. At that moment I felt complete. My brother and boyfriend were both alive and were right here with me.

For a few minutes we just stand there. Till he finally let's me go wiping his face of any tears." I'm so happy to see you Allen. I thought you guys were dead. He looked shocked but realization crosses his face." O no we're fine, we've been living in the ark, for some reason time stops there." I smile. What about the exorcists hunt? Did everyone make it out alive? A sad look crosses all of there faces, even kandas." No a few were killed that's why we fled to the ark."

I clench my fists in anger and hatred." Yet again i felt the same feeling of resentment towards non exorcists and the humans who didn't work for the Black order.  How could they do this to us. We did nothing but help them and they try and kill us.
" who?....who was killed?"

Allen frowns before answering." Krory and Miranda were the only exorcists in our branch to die. Krory and miranda were both on missions.
Krory had been returning from a mission with a few finders when they were attacked. It was the town's people who had attacked them. The towns people who krory had just helped attacked them. Krory died trying to protect the finders. The finders came back and told us what had happened. We thought it had just been an isolated incident so we paid our respects to krory and continued with our missions. It had to of been three weeks later when the Black order sent out a emergency distress signal on our golems telling us that all exorcists were to disregard there missions and to return to their bases immediately and to avoid as many people as we could. That was all the transmission said. Miranda was killed in her sleep. While on a mission. I won't say more."

There's silence as I try to comprehend what I had just heard. I didn't know Miranda that well but we were friends. She was a nice woman who had just gotten in tune with the rest of us. That was before I ended up in that other world. Krory and I had been great friends. We would do lots of this together and sometimes we would both train together, or I would train while he attempts to copy me, which was funny.

"The Asian branch was lucky, they suffered no casualties. The American branch on the other hand lost almost everybody. Out of 50 exorcists only 10 made it back to their base. I'm not even counting how many finders were lost in that time.

Control yourself silver. This was hundreds of years ago. People arnt really bent on destroying us anymore. Buy it still makes me so mad.

I sigh unclenching my fists. Looking back up I see lavi looking sad." Hay lavi, long time no see." He laughs." Yup your looking good as usual." Kanda glares at him making lavi cower away. I laugh,"Hay guys you wouldn't mind if I came with you to see everyone would you?" They all smile. "Of course you can." A keen says smiling." Yah who wouldn't want to see you." Lavi winks earning another glare from kanda. I laugh," let's go right now." They nod." Wait we still need to get food." Lavi says. I sigh really wanting to leave." What do you guys need?" Allen hands me a list. Looking it over using my speed I take off coming back 30 seconds later with everything on there list. They all stare at me wide eyed except Allen who already knows about my new found powers." Ok let's pay and go." Skipping away I smirk to myself.

We pay and leave. There wasn't enough room In the truck so me and kanda sat in the back. The whole way there i layed on kanda eventually falling asleep, a small smile plastered to my face.

Im awoken to light shaking. Sitting up I yawn seeing kanda with an outstretched hand. The truck had stopped. Looking around I realise we're somewhere In the woods. In front on the truck sat the old ark in all its glory. Grabbing bags we all go in. The ark looked the same. Many people were out, many of them I was unfamiliar with though who stared at me not knowing who I was." Hay Allen are other branches of the black order living here as well?" He nods." Yes, this was the only place deemed to be remotely safe for us so all exorcists and a few non-exorcist moved here." I nod in understanding. So exorcists live on. We weren't all dead. A smile makes its way to my face at the thought.

"So where is everybody?" Lavis the first to answer." Well it's dinner time so everybody's in the cafeteria." A smirk makes its way to my face. I was going to scare the s*** out of them. I quickly turn around telling the guy's my plan.

I stood outside the double doors. I wink to kanda who smirks before letting my shadows slip under the door. Almost immediatly the rooms plummeted into darkness. All commotion inside stops. Blocking the light I silently and quickly open the slipping inside. Lucky me, I'm able to see in the dark. I go to the middle of the room silently climbing onto an empty table before pulling my shadows back. Light floods the room. I smirk just standing there."WHAT'S UP B***** GUESS WHOS BACK." Almost everybody jumps turning around. A few who didn't know me attacked. Some swung swords others fired guns. I activated my innocence  blocking them all. Jumping backwards I land in a seat next to leenale who stared at me shocked.

"What's up leenale, long to no see." I laugh at her stunned face. She gasps before recognizing and pulling me into a hug." Silver omg your back." She cries. I laugh hugging her back.

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