43:Are you kidding me.

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I stare at him stunned." Your lying." He shakes his head. " I'm not, I'm very sorry." I sink to my knees, they couldn't. The Chang family were the only people who could use Alkahestry, and now they were gone. Midoriyas last hope was gone. I don't know how long i stare at the ground for until I feel a large hand on my shoulder.

Looking up I see Bakugo. He had a small smile on his face, tears streamed down his now rosey cheeks. I stand, "Bakugo"

He then just breaks down. He starts sobbing pulling me close into a hug. I hug him tight. Even if he was taller I still try and comfort him as much as possible." Bakugo its ok, we can't give up hope. I told you and everyone, if a cure can't be found I'll sacrifice my life so midoriya may live."

He begins crying harder. I didn't know what else to do other then stand there and let him get it all out.

"Silver I know it may not be what your looking for but I could teach you the process of which we saved Every one with." I sigh

"I don't know pride, if I used that tecnique on midoriya I would be saving his life and be ending it at the same time. He would be miserable watching as everyone he knows and loves dies around him, and he doesn't age a year in the slightest. I need to try to find something, you may say the Chang family was wipped out, but I doubt they would let thousands of years of knowledge go to waste. They have to have books or atleast documentation of there art." He sighs.

"You may try, though I don't know what you will find."

I smile suddenly coughing, blood coming up. Prides eyes widen as he practically jumps the table to catch me, pushing Bakugo out of the way. Pride then pulls up my shirt gasping. My stone was visible through my skin revealing the long crack.

"Omg silver your the one who needs immediat care. These wounds are enough to kill a full homunculi let alone you just being half. And your stone it's defective let me give you another." I shake my head pushing my self to stand again.

"No pride I can't. It won't do anything. It's already to late."

"Wait, wait, wait, silver what do you mean it's already to late? I thought you were slowly getting better?" Bakugo asks, a betrayed look on his face.

I sigh carefully walking over to him. "Bakugo, you do know I'm and old soul right?" He nods making me smile." Well as you should remember I'm pretty much dead, I have no soul the only thing pretty much keeping me alive right now is my stone. My innocence has actually been attacking the stone from the beginning, when I received it and because of that it's power has drained much quicker. He if I was to receive another stone nothing would change. My body is far to beaten up for repair, not even the philosopher stone could save me now." Bakugo looked like he would burst into tears again." How long have you known this would happen?" He asks, I could hear the pain in his voice.

Sighing"Baku-""How long?" He interrupts. I could do nothing but tell him the truth." When I was pregnant with cival. That's why I would consume so much human food at a time. The energy it provided help me get through it. I would of probably lasted for another few months but if I hadn't of stepped in to help when I did, midoriya wouldn't be alive and todoroki would have been much more injured then when he was." He clenched his fist.

"I'll burn that half n half Basterd alive." I grab his shoulder." Now now Bakugo, no burning people alive that won't feel good." I laugh ruffling his hair with my clean hand.

                             Next day

Getting up I sigh. Today we took a train to the chang family's land.

Bakugo was mad at me still, not like I blame him. I would be mad. I haven't even told kanda or Allen yet that my time was so short. Only that I only had a little longer.

Pride had lent us a small house to stay in for the time being. He also gave us some money and new clothes since we both stood out.

Sighing I get up leaving my room. I walk to the kitchen and begin making breakfast. When it's done I knock on his door.

"Bakugo, breakfast is done." There's no answer or noise." Bakugo." I knock again, but there's still no response. I try opening the door only to find it locked. I slam my body against it, only successfully hurting my shoulder. I groan backing up to kick the door down. It falls, walking in I see an open window and no Bakugo.

Dammit Bakugo. Sending my shadows to the ground I search for his soul.

I find it a little ways away.

Leaping from the window my shadows catch me. I begin running to the location. It takes me about 30 minutes to get there. When I stop in stunned. It was a bar. I swear, if I walk  in there any bakugo's drinking, I'm going to strangle him.

Walking to the door there's a guard." Whoa there missey, this isn't no place for a lady. You should just go home where it's safe." He says smirking. I was not in the mood for this. Picking him up I throw him behind me. Raising my leg I then kick the door down.

Walking in I realize I was wrong, this wasn't a bar. It was a fight club. Looking around I see Bakugo was in the ring fighting only it didn't look like he was winning. Running over I jump into the ring, grabbing the man's wrist who was about to punch Bakugo. I flip him over standing on his back. Turning around I glare at Bakugo.

"Bakugo, tell me you have a good explanation for why your here of all places." He just tsks and looks away. I smack him." Come on, I have breakfast at the house and its getting cold."

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