21: The kick

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He stares at me for a minute before his eyes widen and a wide smile spreads across this face." Are you serious?" I nod suddenly feeling dizzy and sick. Maybe I'm just hungry.

" Yes I found out a few days ago when I was at the hospital." The lady comes back." What can I get for you?"  Kanda suddenly slumps over onto the table." KANDA" I yell jumping up almost falling over. Everything was spinning.

I hear laughing." Looking over I see the waitress laughing." What did you do to us?" She smirks." Just a little drug I whipped up to knock you out."

We needed to get out of here but I highly doubt she'll let us leave. Activating my innocence preparing for a fight. Allen plaease help. I dont know if i can handle this one. I stumble shaking my head.  Stay awake, stay awake. She suddenly lundges forward knocking me to the ground.


Me, lavi and leenale decided we weren't going to just sit at silver's house all day so we went out. We didn't go any where im particular. We were passing the park when the feeling of fear and desperation hit me.  ALLEN HELP" I stop. Silver was in trouble.

Where was she? I start running. Didn't they say they were going to a cafe. If they went to the park first then they should be at the café down the street. There's no other ones in the area." ALLEN WHERE ARE YOU GOING". Lavi screams running after Me.

"SILVER'S IN TROUBLE." I yell back. I reach the café a few minutes later. The sight shocked me. Silver was standing looking as if she was about to fall over. Blood ran down her face from a cut on her forehead. Immediatly I run in front of her.

Allen suddenly runs in front of me. I smile. He came. I let myself fall back giving into the darkness.

Waking up I'm surprised to find myself in a hospital room with all of my classmates and family. Even kanda was standing there looking worried.

"Your awake. How are you feeling silver?  You've been out for quite awhile." Lida says I sit up but feel something restricting me. Looking down I see my stomach had grown in size a lot. I looked like I was 4 months pregnant.

"How long was I out for?" I ask to no one in particular." Allen steps forward looking terrible. He looked as if he hasn't eaten or slept in days. " Silver you've been unconscious for three weeks." What ever that drug was that you ingested was to make sure you stayed unconscious for what ever reason."

Damn, looking down I realize, because of that drug I was at there  mercy. If Allen wouldn't of showed up , who know What could of happened to  kanda and I." What did they want us for?"

"We're unsure" Aizawa says standing up from the ground. Damn, I didn't even know he was there." But we do know they were after you." He says." Servalence cameras from around the area were reviewed and it turns out she was apart of the league of villians.

"We've all decide though that since we still don't know why there after you you will be under 24/7 servalence to make sure your safe. Especially with that baby on the way."

I sigh I know its the right thing for the baby but it's just going to be so awkward.

"Fineeeee"! I groan falling back down onto the bed.

"So who found us?" Everyone looks at Allen. I smile" did you get it." He nods making everyone look confused.

"Me and Allen are twins, our innocence is of the same. We are yin and yang. Me being yin and Allen being yang. We are so close that in times of extreme distress we can send each other messages in our minds and when we're hurt the other can sometimes feel the pain."

They stare stunned." That's so cool." Uraraka shouts.

I chuckle." Sometimes but you half to think Allen can feel my pain when distressed. I can tolerate a lot of pain. Allen is only human and can only take so much. I may be hurt but it won't hurt as much as it should. ALLEN though could be feeling extreme pain from it and I wouldn't know."

I say looking down." Hay its ok silver I can take it. Trust me." Allen says smiling. Tears well up in my eyes as I smile." I guess this is as good a time then any to tell you that me and kanda are getting married. He stares at me blankly for a minute before jumping up."MARRIED? WHAT? WHEN? HOW COULD YOU DO TJIS TO ME!" Allen says sliding to the floor. I laugh.

"What's wrong with him?" Lida asks staring at allen like he just grew another head." Allen and kanda don't really get along, so finding out I'm marrying the person he hates is terrible to him." I explain.
He just nods a small small smile on his face.

                        3 days later

I groan sitting on the couch. Allen was sitting next to me sleeping. I was so bored. Lavi and leenale went back to the ark to tell everybody about everything. Kanda was in our bedroom as well sleeping. I wasn't tired. The only fun I've had being watched this whole time was when I teased kanda stripping to get into the shower last night. His face was priceless.

Sighing I go to the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. I've been making sure to eat so my body and the baby can stay healthy. I suddenly feel a kick. I stop placing a hand to my stomach and feel him kick again. A smile spreads across my face. I can't wait till this baby is born.
Hello everybody I hope your enjoying the story so far. I want to thank everybody who have read this far.

Comment, like if you like the chapters, that would mean so much to me. Peace people.😆

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