Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Sitting, waiting, waiting for something to happen. I listened to every sound, hearing people talking and the movement of objects like boxes/bags of food being moved around. I could hear children whining for their parents to buy them some type of food or candy. Nothing was really going on at that moment, it was a little bit more boring than I was expecting. I just wanted out and to actually walk, but I know Dash wouldn't let me, there's too many people here.

I can sort of understand I guess, if I was let out around all these people, anything can happen. I could be killed, taken... again..
But this time they might not be so nice and gentle.. My mind started to doze off, I thought about before. When I was twelve, and I initially met the brothers..

It was the next day, after the night I had seen a freaking giant roaming the city. The sun was getting close to setting, but it wasn't exactly curfew for everyone to go home yet. There was still a few people out. I had already walked out of the only home I had, turning back and looking up at the tall building behind me. Orphanage in big letter written across the building, the words a little faded but still readable.

I continued on my way, the orphanage getting farther and farther away from me and out of sight. I wasn't planning on coming back. My new problem was, I didn't know where I was going, what was I gonna do? Where could I hide? I know I didn't make him up, I knew he was real. I kept walking and walking, watching my feet. Until I looked up, finding myself at the Forrest woodline. I looked up at the trees that towards over me. Maybe I can find shelter there? It looks like it would be hard for them to get in or even move easily.

Before I could take another step forward, I felt something grab my hair and yank me back.
"Whatcha doin, Mavis?"

They still had a grip on my hair, preventing me from moving anymore.
I could barely look at who was holding me back, but I didn't need to, I knew who it was. Ryan..

"About to go off into the Forrest? You know some people go in there and doesn't come back out. You'll get lost in there, now where would that leave us without our plaything?" He let go of my hair, I threw my hand back to touch the back of my hair, my head feeling sore. I spun around to face them, only finding two of them instead of the whole crew like normal.

"It's none of your business, don't you guys ever leave me alone?" I glared.

"No, only when were not bored or if we have time to say hi. Sadly, we can't hang today, we already got something planned." He started to walk up to me, uncomfortably close. I took steps back when he took steps to me. "I'll have to go and I'll see you later." He shoved me back, making me lose balance and fall backwards onto my butt.

"I might be able to see you tomorrow though, if our schedules aren't full. I'll see you soon, Mavis." They both ran off, back towards the city.

I puffed out my cheeks, pushing myself back onto my feet. Maybe if I can find a good spot in the woods, they won't find me again. I watched as they ran off, brushing the dirt off my pants. I turned back, entering the woods. Looking around my surroundings, tall, thin trees, some pretty big rocks, and the sun rays shinning through the trees. Maybe this will be a good spot, now I just have to find shelter.. A loud snap got my attention. Frightening me to the point I couldn't move my feet anymore, my heart pounded against my chest, I glanced around my surroundings, hoping I was just being paranoid.

I was spotting random shadows around the Forrest, shadows that could be seen in the corner of my eye but by the time I look at it, there's nothing there. I was finally able to tell my legs to move, taking steps back. I felt my back hit the huge rock, the rocks were so big, stacked on top of each other, offering a little space underneath it.

I heard another snap, my head whipped the way I had heard it, trying to catch sight of the thing that was causing the sounds. Nothing, but this time I heard footsteps, heavy, footsteps. Like it was walking around the rock I was pressed against. I sunk down onto the ground, almost like I would disappear all together. The clouds blocked some of the bright sun out, dimming the Forrest, the thing made itself known. The same thing I have seen back at the orphanage, came from behind the huge rock, coming in front of me.

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