Chap 8:Trust

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That's it I'm going inside.

I burst through the door and couldn't believe my eyes.

First, I felt hurt, then just a bunch of anger.

Cayden was making out with Lilly he had no shirt on and Lilly had only her bra on they were both wearing pants, thank god.

They still were making out Cayden pinned her on the wall. I finally decided to speak up.

"Oh but you love me?!" I screamed with anger and hurt.

That made them stop Lilly quickly put on her shirt and evilly smirked at me.

That slut I thought to myself.

Cayden slowly walked up to me looked down at my lips licking his lips.

Look Amaya I'm so-" before he could finish. I kicked him in the balls.

"Fuck you." I said with no emotion and left the room he screamed out in pain and said.

"You asshole." With Lilly at his side soothing him.

What a baby I'm the one who's hurt! I'm the one who got cheated on!

Not him. I felt blood rush up to my cheeks I was trying my hardest not to cry. I ran to me and Cayden's cell packed up all my stuff and sat in the hallway. Thinking of what just happened. Then I heard a voice.

"Hey mayo." Carl said.

I looked up quickly I was probably a wreck. My hair tangled, my face red, and my eyes teary.

"What happened?! Here come to my cell!" He said picking up my bag I nodded and stood up.

We walked to his cell and he sat my bag on the top bunk he sat down next to me with concerning eyes.

"H-he c-cheated." I whispered.

Carls eyes widened and looked at me he lifted my chin with his thumb and hugged me I needed comfort so I hugged him back tight and I started to cry into his shoulder. He patted my backed and rubbed and stroked my hair.

I wonder if he done this before?

"I-I thought he l-lov-ved me." I said whimpering like a baby.

He whispered calming things in my ear like "it'll be okay." And "I'm here now he's in the past."

I broke from the hug and laid down next to him. I walked in the hallway and saw Cayden he came up to me.

"Hey crybaby can't handle a break up can you?oh wait! it was probably your first one!" He laughed

I was too weak to fight back so I let him so whatever.

"Stupid ass. You really thought I liked you ha. I was just using you for attention! Apparently it worked I'm with Lilly now!" He said bragging

"I don't give a s-shit her lost not m-mine." I said bravely.

I felt a burn on my cheek making me fall down. I rubbed it realizing he slapped me or punched me. As I started to get up and punch him. He pushed me and knocked my head into the wall.

I screamed in pain. "You bitch!!!" I screamed and cried in pain I kicked in the place where the sun doesn't shine and twisted his hand.

It snapped meaning it broke,

I looked at my hand at their was blood,


He screamed out in pain.

He pulled me up the wall and put a knife to my neck. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Leave the girl alone."

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