Chapter 38: Is There Hope?

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((Amaya POV))


A simple word. A feeling. A thing that keeps you going.

That's all I have now to find my boyfriend, my dad and everyone else.

I hope he's somewhere safe, with food and people. I hope he knows.. I love him, and I WILL find him, dead or alive. I hope that if he is dead he went quickly, that's a horrible thought I know. But that's how this world works now.

I love you Carl, and I know you are safe,

Wherever you are.

((Carls POV))

Her lips were soft with a sweet taste to them, her hands were griping my hair, and she was slowly taking off my shirt.

This wasn't like any kiss I've had with Amaya, and it was getting to intense, it needed to stop.

But I couldn't, my heart said yes, but my brain and body said no.

"Anna I can't-" I moaned trying to get her to stop.

"Can't stop loving me?" She said shoving her lips back on mine.

"No really can't." I said backing away.

"You're making this really hard Carl Grimes, but I have no choice." She whispered softly in my ear. It gave me the chills, but the good ones.

She backed away and slowly started taking off her shirt, only being on her bra, then taking off her pants, revealing her underwear.

I looked away and tried to snap out of this haze I was going through. But I couldn't help it, I was drunk out of my mind.

"Now... Do you like what you see?" She said.

"I- I don't know." I said shrugging.

"Carl? Do you like what you see?"She said seriously.

I finally looked up at her and I couldn't look away,

"I- Yea.." I admitted,

"Now," She whispered in my ear.

"I took off my shirt and pants, it's only fair if you take off yours." She said touching my upper leg.

"I don't know..." I said again but more unsure this time.

"Oh Carl! Be fun!" She came up to me slowly, laid me down, unbuttoned my pants, and took them off for me. I honestly don't think I was able to take them off myself.

You could clearly see the shape of my dick through the tight white boxers. She eyeballed it and went to reach for it,

"Now that's better, you're so hot.." She said licking my ear.

I quickly got off the couch and stood up so she wasn't so close.

"Ahh... Let's play a game..." I said sitting in my boxers, trying to change the subject.

"What kind?" She questioned raising her eyebrows,

"I don't know... You pick." I said sluggish while taking another chug of the alcohol that was left.

That was one of the worst decisions I've ever made.

((Amaya POV))

I sit in the cold, shivering, and mostly crying...

"Amaya..?" Tara says.

"G-get away!" I yell, whisper.

"Please let me sit." She asks

I don't respond.

She sits and waits and I instantly start bawling.

"I'm tired of not doing anything! We are going to die! My boyfriend, my friends, my family, my home. They're all gone!" I say crying,

"There's noth-" she says.

"It's all your fault! Everything gone! You just had to take it all away!" I say pushing her off the boulder we were sitting on.

"I'm sorry... I understand what you feel... My mom, my dad, my sister, my niece," She chokes.

"Your life's a book that never ends." Tara says reciting some kinda quote.

She got up and left, leaving me all alone.

That's one thing I want in my book. I'm ready for the new pages...

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