Chapter 29: The battle begins

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....2 weeks later....

I'm outside in the prison yard seeding some tomatoes and watering them. I look up and see a truck and realize it's not one of ours. I run inside quickly as Carl greets me.

He looks around before saying.

"Hey babe.." He mumbled in my neck.

I moved his face from my neck and he gave me a confused face,

"Carl this is serious! There's someone here and it's not anyone from are group." I say pointing outside, he runs out to spy and I go find Rick he as always is in the wardens office.

"Rick! There you are, look-" I start.

"No you can't go on a run with Carl for the last time." He rolls his eyes at me.

"No this is serious!"

He raised an eyebrow signaling to continue and I explained myself,

"There's someone behind the gates with a truck, it's not ours." I say in a rush.

He runs to the closet and grabs a bag of guns, he opens it up, tosses me a riffle and he gets a shotgun. There's about a dozen more but I'm guessing that's for other people.

"Go get everyone you can. Tell Lani and
Maggie to stay with Judith and the others." He says referring to the kids.

I run to Cell Block A and tell Maggie the news since of course Lani is still mad at me.

"But I can help!" Maggie complains.

"Ricks orders." I argue.

"Fine... Stay safe.." She finally agreed and hugs me quickly. I run to the cafeteria and get the megaphone.

"I need everyone I can, who's willing to fight! Hershel, Sasha, and Xavier stay here and guard the main door in Cell Block C." My voice booms in the megaphone,

They stare at me for more and stand there like idiots.

"MOVE NOW! We might be at war we'll explain later.." I yell.

They stare again and whisper.

"RICKS ORDERS! GO!" I say sternly.

They finally get moving and I run outside and I see what I don't want see and start firing.

The Governor.

I see Rick behind the fences ducking in the grass, firing and fighting off walkers at the same time.

I'm worried for him, but I know he's strong.

All of sudden I see Axel go down.. he's been with us for awhile... I move on and I see Maggie is using him as protection.

"Maggie!" I scream.

I shot the person who was shooting her and run behind a locker. I finally get to Maggie and grab her hand taking her behind the lockers.

Shoot. Hide. Shoot. Hide. Shoot. Hide.

We all do this for awhile and then a big moving truck crashes through the first fence and stopped.

I see everyone raise their weapons at the truck waiting to see what happens next we all watch in suspense and confusion and I look at the Governor.

He sees me staring, gives me a evil smile and a wink. I shiver and look back at the truck and the back opens.

And all I hear is moaning.

The moaning and growling is about 4 dozen of walkers come out of the truck and into the field.

"You need to get out of there!" Glenn yells at Tyresse and Rick.

The governor speeds off in his truck along with the moving truck and puts up both middle fingers.

Does this mean we lost?

Oh well...

"Everyone okay?" Glenn asks.

"Uhh... Where's Carl?!" I say worried


Heyy guys, I've been really sick lately and I'm probably not going to update for a couple days or so.... So sorry :(

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