Chap 24: Thank The Lord

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....2 weeks later...

"Here." He said sternly.

Giving me dirty water and scraps. Ok great! This is shitty. Can't wait till tomorrow's feeding!

"Ok question time! I've gave you enough time to decide." He says with a raspy voice, inches away from my face.

His breath reeks of alcohol and vomit.

"Ok governor, I'll tell you...that I have no idea." I say emotionless.

"Fuck! I gave you a chance, I'm done playing games, Bring it in!" He motions his finger at me and left the room.

Martinez (this shitty guard person) and some other people pushed in a monster.

Shit, how was I suppose to kill it while tied to a chair?

It came closer, I stood up with a chair on my back.

I was in this squatting position which hurt like hell and I pushed a gate against the chair on my back. The walker kept coming and I kicked it which made us both fall.

I screamed as I pressed the chair against the wall which made it snap I grabbed one of the broken legs out with my free hand and stabbed it in the eye,

I breathed heavily on the ground while it laid there, dead.

((Daryl's POV))

We're close I can feel it. I shoot a couple more people and look around.

I pick up ammo from a kill I just made. I miss Amaya so damn much... I'm in Woodbury she has to be here or so the black woman said.

"Are ya' sure she's here?" I snark at her

"Positive." She says

"Ya' betta be" I whispered.

((Amaya's POV))

I took the monster's forearm and snapped it in half, I dug in the skin reviving the sharp snapped bone and took it out.

I cut the rope with the bone and untied myself from the chair.

The door slowly opened and I stabbed a person with the weapon I just made and moved onto the next.

They were both dead.

I smiled to myself thinking that's it.

When a voice sounded,

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Merle said looking down at the bodies in front of armed men.

Oh shit. I'm dead. I'm so dead.

He started laughing like crazy and pointed at me,

"O-Oh prin- cess you th-thought that was it huh? It has just began." He said pointing a gun at my face I squeezed my eyes shut as he said.

"You always were my LEAST favorite niece." I hissed.

Then a cloud of smoked formed as gun shots filled the air, I felt a tug on my arm as they carried me to the hallway.

I looked up and saw Rick, I rubbed my eyes realizing he was real and started crying.

He covered my mouth, set me on my feet and put a finger on his lip.

He handed me my old crossbow which I almost screamed at the sight of seeing it and we walked off with Michonne and some guy named Oscar.

I wondered if that's all who came for me remembering that the governor said dad- Daryl doesn't give 2 fucks about me and I pushed the thought away.

We went on top of a bus as Oscar got shot, I just noticed Maggie and Glenn were here. Maggie shut her eyes as she shot Oscar again, so he doesn't turn. We finally went inside a tiny store as I hugged everyone saying thank you. I saw Glenn's face looking horrible imagining mine looking the same.

I turned to everyone as they turned to me. At the same time we said the same thing,

"What happened to you?" We laughed a little.

Rick furrowed his eyebrows and said "Come on."

"We'll talk later" Maggie whispered. I nodded
and continued.

We walked back to our cars silently and started to drive back home. I'm so glad to be back with my family. I guess they do love me, if they came for me.

I was aching to ask "Where's Carl?"

but now isn't the time.

Love In A World Of Hate (Carl Grimes Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin