Chapter 41: On Our Way.

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I wake up with sun in my eyes and the sweet smell of pancakes. I reach for Amaya only to find out she isn't there I sigh I stretch my arms in the arm. I rub my eyes and pull on my jeans and a plain green tee.

I head downstairs and see Amaya making pancakes in just underwear and one of my bigger tee shirts. She looks adorable.

I come up behind her and start to kiss her neck.

She smiles and kisses my cheek.

"You look beautiful." I said.

"I'm just wearing a tee!" She says.

"That's the point!" I wink.

She rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Darlin' if I could buy you the world I would. If I could protect you for every single thing from a fly to a tornado, I would. If I could have you forever, I would. But sadly I can't do any of those things. So I ask you. Why?" I say.

"Carl, why are you being so romantic?! Why what?" She says eyes twinkling.

"Why. Why me?"

((Amaya POV))
"Why me?" He says.

Was he trying to be nice mean. I wasn't sure but I knew the answer.

"Because from right when I meet you last year, I knew that you'd be the one. You can't be replaced cause your carl. No ones is like you. That's a good thing. That's what I like about you. No. That's what I LOVE about you." I say.

He grabs my waist turns me around and kisses me.

I let go of him.

"God, you make it hard to cook," I say.

He tries to kiss me again.

"Mmm... Now, unless you want burnt pancakes I suggest you let me do my job." I say.

He whines sand pouts until he finally gets over it and starts doodling a little with a pen.

I make the 8th pancake and finally allow him to eat. He takes about 4 and basically swallows them.

I eat my one plain pancake and pick up the dishes then, sit down with my hands crossed.

I sigh.

He sighs.

"So, now what?" He says.

I shrug.

"Tomorrow's, my birthday." I say quickly.

"Oh my... Really?!" He says.

"Well.... I believe it is, the days are hard to keep track of," I say.

"You don't have to get me anything... I'm fine really..." I say.

"I'm getting you something alright, and your gonna love it." He said.

"Okay... Nothing to extreme though." I say.

"What if it was?" He said.

"Than, I wouldn't of accepted it."

"But, what if I did anyways?" He says.

"Ugh.... Just get me whatever." I say

"Ahhh, ya that's what I thought." He smirked.

About a few minutes later Tara finally wakes up eats her few pancakes and gives us a concerning look.

"What is it?" Carl says.

"Guys, I've been thinking... We can't stay here forever... We have to get on the move we'll do a bit of searching for your dad but we need to get on the road.. I've been wondering what's this terminus thing is about... So, what do you say?" She says.

"Well... I agree but, we don't know what they have, what they do, they could be some mad men... I don't if we should walk into there like hi we need help feed us! We need a plan... And time." I say.

Carl nods.

"I totally agree," Carl says

"We need to find my dad first.. Before we do anything."

Ricks POV
"Leave me alone!" I yell!

"You mess with us. We mess with you." The guy says.

"Fuckin' assholes!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Leave her be!" I could feel my tears running down my cheeks when I hear her screams and cries.

"Please!" I yell.

"I'll do anything!" I scream and cry.

"Dan, put the kid down... The man wants to work a deal... "He smirks a wicked smirk.

"Just leave us be. Please didn't you have family? Friends?" I say.

"I did. I had Lou. You," he said pointing a finger at me.

"You. Killed him." He said through watery eyes.

"Now, we take one of yours. No. All of yours." He says.

He put his gun to my temple.

"You won't do shit." I say smirking.

"Try me." He says cocking the gun.

I closed my eyes and waited.

"Hey!" I hear a very familiar voice.

I turn my head the one and only.

Daryl Dixon.

Short chapter.
Oh whale🐳
Sorry it took me awhile 15 reads for next chapter👽🌿🔮💿

~Xoxo WalkerLady💀💜

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