Chapter 45: Surprise?!

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"No please!" I scream and yell.

They shove me over a gray metal bin with other people beside me.

Slowly the butcher slits the guys neck as blood comes pouring out thru the drain. I slowly start to cry I can't die I don't even remember anything, I still have so much to do. Then, the guy next to me says,

"I feel sorry for ya kid, you've made it this far, keep going." Then, he's gone too.

"Your turn lil' miss, you got some good meat in ya." Wait... Were they gonna eat us? That explains everything.... I have to save Carl and the others but how?

I close my eyes and hope some miracle happens, then it does.

"We can't just stay here like fuckin' idiots!" I yell clearly frustrated.
Michonne was sharpening a stick and Maggie was cut the lock with rope.

"Patience, Carl." My father says.

How the hell am I suppose to have patience when my girlfriend could be dead. I decide to keep my mouth shut though.

All the sudden there was a explosion that shift the cart.

"Walkers, get ready aim at throats." Michonne says.

We hear footsteps then the door opens and closes quickly.

"MOVE!" Abraham yells.

A smoke bomb goes off and we hurry out the door into the field of chaos.

"Look who it is!" A girl voice said.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Lani?

"Lani?! Please help me get out of this oh god I'm so happy to see-" I almost start to cry.

"Oh honey, I'm helping run this freakshow but holy shit do you look like a piece of shit," she laughed and sighed.

"To bad your boyfriends dead and his family plus, you found out your friends a doche bag."

"My boyfriend?" I ask confused was it that Carl kid I hope not. I don't think he's that cute and he has major anger issues...

"Carl... Dumbass!" Lani said.

"Sorry I sorta loss my memory..." I say.

"Can't get any better than this."

Gareth walks in all the sudden.

"Daddy!" Lani kisses him on the forehead.

"I see you've meet my daughter beautiful isn't-"

There's a huge boom and Gareth and lani leave in a rush.

I cut my rope with the side of a sharp knife.

I run out the room as fast as possible looking back I crash into someone I squeeze my eyes shut and pray I'm not dead.

"Amaya?" A very fimilar voice says.

"Ummm.... Who are you? Sorry I lost my memory. I-"

"Okay Hun I love you but we gotta go...!" She takes my hand and pulls me as fast as she can.

We leave the terminus gates and last thing I see is walkers roaming around a once safe zone now up in horrorific flames.

Hey 12 k for next chapter💚I'm excited for twd this weekend!ideas, s4s, Instagram accounts,opinions?Anything you want comment below if I'm not writing good enough guys say something! I luv feedback! don't be afraid!I'm thinking of deleting my other story and doing a 5 sauce(5sos)
fanfic set in the apocalypse Thoughts?💖

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