Chapter 37: Where are we?

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((Amaya's POV))

I wake up with a strong headache and an aching stomach. I flicker my eyes open and see Tara holding the baby, the sun burns my eyes like I haven't open them in days. I look around and we're in the back of a truck... Wait... Who's driving..?

"Where are we..." I mumble.

"Not sure... Just with some stupid assholes who claim they know the cure..." She says, I sit up and look around towards the forest.

I'm not going to ride with some fuckin' strangers... Who knows who they could actually be.

I stand up and knock on the back window. When I get no response, I pound on it.

"Stop the truck!" I yell..

They ignore me..

"I said stop the damn truck!" I scream.

The driver sticks up the middle finger at me and acts like it's nothing. I see there's a metal pole in the back with us, so i grab itand knock the window out.

Glass shattered everywhere and the driver made the truck swerve.

That finally makes them stop and I jump out of the truck, I start walking towards the woods and Tara follows me.

"No! You guys stay here it's safer." I say to Tara holding Judith.

"Now where the hell you think you guys are going?" He says.

"To find my boyfriend! You're not my boss Mr. Military asshole!" I say,

"It's Abraham... Miss... And we are going to DC, and you see that fat guy with a mullet over there? That is Eugene! He can save the motherfucking world he's a goddamn scientist!" Abraham says proudly,

"Oh fuck off! I bet my ass he didn't even go to science class as a kid!" I yell,

Eugene gets this look of embarrassment and looks away from me,

"Well you should know... You are a kid, you're what? 13?" He says, laughing

"I'm actually 16 so fuck you!" I yell back,

"Same thing.. little girl." He spits in my face,

I had enough so I punch him as hard as I can, right in his nose,

In response, he punches me in the face once and in the gut.

"Fuckin' kids.." He screams while hitting me a couple times more.

I feel myself falling in and out of consciousness while taking blows everywhere on my body.

"Stop!" I hear Tara yell in the distance.

The girl and Tara try to pull him off but it's no use, then we hear gunshots and everyone freezes. Abraham quickly gets off of me, and I roll to my side coughing and groaning.

He grabs his gun and starts shooting walkers. I get up slowly, holding my side and start walking towards the scene.

"Eugene! FUCK! You shot the.. Ughhh!" He yelled.
"Sorry sir- I- Don't know how to use a gun and they kept coming and-" He rambles.

Abraham put his hand up to motion him to stop talking,

"It's fine, We'll walk. You need the exercise anyways." He said looking at Eugene's stomach.

He got red in embarrassment and turned away from Abraham.

I looked below and saw gas leaking. He shot the gas tank, there's no use for this truck now...

((Carls POV))

"Hey wanna go on a run?" I asked Anna,

"Ya sure, your dad um- he's still out. It's almost dark, we need to be quick." Anna says with a smug smile on her face.

((Several hours later))

We found a nice blue house with plenty of food and water. It was too dark so we decided to stay here for the night. We left my dad a note in case we wake up but he's been out for 3 days now.

We were laughing, giggling at jokes and compliments, flirting, playing truth or dare, normal things. Things teens should be doing, even drinking a little.

"C'mon please try a little for me!" She exclaimed, trying to hand me a bottle of vodka we found in the cabinet.

"I don't know... I don't want anything bad to happen." I said, trying to refuse it.

"Please just one sip! It's just alcohol!" She said.

"Fine.. Just one s-" I gave in, I needed to get my mind off stuff anyways.

"Yay!" She said tossing me the bottle.

We sat on the couch as I took the first sip.

I savored the flavor, it was lingering, strong, and most of all relaxing. I lost count of many sips and mostly swigs I had but I slowly felt the pain, guilt, regrets, and worries just crumble away.

After sometime later, Anna somehow was laying on my chest and we were talking about the world.

"I just wish I got to say goodbye to my cat you know? She was a good ass cat, fuck" She says laughing.

"All cats are rude.. you-you're lyin' you h-have to be." I said slurring my words.

"Nope I had a great pussy," She said looking down at my lips,

"Still do." She continued, she inches closer and suddenly her lips were on mine.


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