Chap 25: Home

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As we start to arrive at the prison I can feel a smile on my face as I see Hershel and Carol at the entrance.

The car comes to a stop and I breath out this is real, I tell myself.

They smile and hug everyone that comes out especially Glenn and Maggie. I'm the last to come out of the car and all eyes are on me. I see Carol shed a tear as I cry too and I run to her she hugs tight and strokes my hair.

"I'm s-so s-orry about ever-thing."

She cried and I cried with her too.

As Hershel came, hugged me and gave me a warm smile. I ran inside and saw Lani with baby judith she looked up and saw me she squealed and came and hugged me.

"I thought you were dead, I'm so sorry, you're the only one left..." She squeezed out.

I broke the hug, only one left..? I gave her a confused look. She started crying and explaining.

"A couple nights after you left, there were people looking for you, the walkers broke down the gates and many died. Zach, Tyler, Lilly, Jake.... Jimmy..." She choked out.

"Oh dear god, Lani,..."

"No I'm sorry, truly sorry.... About everything.."

"The governor didn't do anything that bad just some scratch and bruises..." I lied.

"No about every-thing." She said seriously,

I gave a 'what are you talking about?' Look and said,


"Carl..?" She said with a duhh face.


I paused for a moment thinking what she said then it hit me.

"He's dead..?"

She gave me a sad, sorrow look.

I fell to the ground and cried.

"N-no! You're lying!!" I screamed.

Lani looked worried and frighten by my words.

"Please... Not around the baby... I'm sorry but-"

"You're not really sorry! Sorry! Sorry! You're not damn sorry! You don't know what it's like to lose someone! I've lost my sister, mom, dad, both of my uncles probably, and now my best friend. So sorry doesn't do shit these days." I cried and screamed at her.

"You- Shut the hell up! I'm trying to help and you give me- bull-shit! Don't you dare tell me I don't know what it's like to lose someone I've lost 3 people dear to me. And... And I... You are right sorry doesn't do shit! But there's not much I can do! I... I." She ran out of the room crying.

I realized later on sitting there that she was my only friend left and now she's probably not.

I just told her sorry about her boyfriend and I said sorry means nothing... God dammit Amaya! Can't ever keep your fuckin' mouth shut! A person walked in the room and sat next to me against the wall. I looked over and saw carol.

"What do you want..?" I said in a rude voice.

"What.. What did he do to you..?"

I knew she was talking about the governor but I didn't want to talk about him right now.

"I don't want to talk about it right now..."

"Ok then let's talk about something else.. Why the hell did you leave in the first place?!"

"I thou- thought I could find Carl dead or alive honestly I didn't care I just wanted to find him."

"Why?"She questioned.

"I was the one to make him leave I wanted to be the one to make him come back." I cried a little talking about it and still trying to process what Lani said.

"Oh.. Sweetheart you are just like your uncle.. Wanting always to be tough and sassy but you have a soft side to ya"

The slightest smile came while thinking about him and I said,

"I just wish he was here.."

"Who your uncle..?"

"Yea... But Carl...He's dead." I cried.

"Oh you haven't seen him yet?"

"What do you mean? He- He's dead." I say wiping tears,

"We found his hat covered in blood a couple days ago so we assumed the worst but honey, he is okay..." She said with my face in her hands.

"What do you mean? How do you know..?" I got up, rushed with emotions.

"Because he's here.."

She smiled.

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