Chap 15: 30 days without an accident

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So there's a disease going around in the prison. I think it started with the pigs, the first found dead was a boy from Woodbury.

"Hey sugar bug!" Karen exclaimed

"Hi." I said glumly.

"So I heard what Carl did to you. I'm so s-" she said

"Yeah, I know your sorry. I fought him off he did nothing." I said turning away from her

"Honey look at yourself! Your cheek is bruised and you have a black eye! Now tell me what happened! Please you need to let your feelings out!" She said she's acting like my mother! My mother... Then I snapped.

"You're not my damn mother! I can take care of myself! He did nothing to me! I fought that monster off! I- I" I looked up at her she had hurt in her eyes.

"I- I'm s-sorry..." I finished. I then hugged her and cried in her shirt she was not my mother she was a friend. MY FRIEND.

....~3 weeks later~....
I still haven't seen Carl since 'the incident' I don't know where he's at. But, I'm glad I haven't saw him. I'm doing my daily job when I hear a scream.

"Karen! David!" I hear. I run towards the scream. It turns out it was Tyresse

"She could of fuckin' made who ever did this is going to fuckin' pay who did this Rick huh?! Who?!" He yelled.

What the hell was going on I rushed in and saw something I didn't want to see.

Karen. Was. Dead.

They looked up at me with sorrow eyes,

"Who. The. Hell. Did. This!" I yelled.

...~3 weeks later~...
It's been about 3 months I haven't seen Carl I have no idea where he is.

I want it to stay that way I mean one kiss big deal I bet he's kissed girls and beat them up the next minute several times before!

I started to be depressed with Karen and Carl gone. Especially Jess and Beth. Jess is still missing and Beth died from a walker bite.

I sighed and went into Carol's cell seeing her folding laundry and Judith in her playpen smiling and cheerful as always! Not a care in a world lucky little girl I'd give anything to not know what was out there.

"Need help?" I mumbled

"Uhh... Sure!" Carol said

I helped her fold clothes lost in my thought. When she said something.

"Not that it's not my business... But what happened to your face...?"

"Carl." I muttered rolling my eyes

"Don't know what's up with that boy these days... I just think he needs someone to love and talk to him, he's depressed! Ya know with his dad always moping around and his mom dead. No wonder he's being like that. Poor boy." She whispered,

That really got my attention, no mom. I know how he feels not having a mom is like not having a piece of you. I had a dad but I didn't consider him as one. I shoved away the thought and said.

"I know how he feels." I said softly

"Give him another chance he just needs a friend I mean there's not a lot of kids your age around here. Just you, Lani, Carl, Lilly, and Ashton I think that's all." She said sadly.

"I just don't know Carol... I'm afraid... Of him.. I just don't want to hurt him, I feel sorry for what I said but I think he should apologize first..." I said sternly .

"I don't think that's possible... He's locked up in his cell, handcuffed. He's insane no one could control him so Hershel had to do that. Rick agreed there was nothing else we could do, I'm surprised you haven't noticed that or no one told you." She whispered.

"He's locked up!" I said surprised

"Yeah he screams for his mother... And you... but people tell him that you hate him.." She said sadly.

I looked down in shame I should've just told him that I was upset. Now, I know what I have to do. I'm sure of it.

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