Chapter 34: Too Far Gone

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The governor. That fucktard, When will he ever leave us alone?!

I look around for Carl in the prison yard but I don't see him, anywhere.

"Oh, shit not again." I whisper to myself.

"Rick, we need to talk." The governor said through a megaphone.

Then I see my dad passing out guns, he hands me one and I shake my head. I have plenty in my duffle bag along with my crossbow.

While Rick is trying to convince the governor out in the yard, I start to worry, then I hear the governor shout.

"Is Hershel... And Michonne apart of your.. family?"

I look over, surprised. How did he even... I feel tears roll down my face as I look at Hershel's frighten, fragile face. I hear Maggie yell,

"Daddy!" She screams.

Rick gives a speech to the governor and his people, trying to convince them to stop this war. I look around at the people next to me, guns loaded, thinking everything will turn out fine.

"I know that... We are not too far gone, We all can change. We are all still people." Rick finishes.

I see Hershel smile at Rick and nod. As the governor lowers Michonne's katana from Hershel's neck. I feel happy as we ALL are convinced by Rick's powerful words that we settled it and everything is going to be alright.

Then suddenly he screams out,

"LIAR!" The governor yells, as he swings the katana back at Hershel's neck.


Blood everywhere. The fires of guns being shot ring throughout my ears.

"No!!!" I hear Rick scream, then the horrible sobs and screams of terror from the kids and especially Maggie.

I stand there frozen, once again.

"Amaya, shoot!" I hear Danny yell next to me.

I shake my head to get out of my zone, there's no time to mourn now and load my gun.

I shoot and run, I gotta find Carl and get out of here, then I spot him behind a metal locker that's been flipped over.

"Carl!" I yell.

He signals me to wait where I am, but I go anyways. I ran towards the locker, barely missing shots being fired at me.

" Jesus, you could've gotten shot! Are you hit?Oh my god," He says while scanning my body looking for bullet holes,

"Thank god you're safe, you need to go to the bus now," He orders and hugs me,

I stay there watching him aim and shoot for a couple seconds. He seems so focused and serious.

"You need to go! I'll meet you there." He kisses me.

"I'm not leaving without you, come with me." I tug at his sleeve trying to get him to come,

He grabs my arms and looks me straight in the eyes and says,

"My dad is still out in the yard, there is people dying. I have one of the best aims here, you need to go please, I have to continue to fight, Judith should be on the bus please.. Take care of my sister." He speaks loudly in my ear, I can barely hear him because of the screams and the gunfire.

"I love you so much Carl, please stay safe." I say kissing his hand.

"You too," he says and continues to shoot, focused on helping his father.

You too?  Nice Carl, not that convincing.

I peek around the corner making sure the coast is clear and try to find the bus, but with all the people it's really hard.

All the sudden I feel great pain in my left arm, I look at it and see blood trickling down,

"Fuck!" I yell in pain,

I quickly dive behind a brick wall and get my handkerchief from my duffle bag and tie it around my left forearm tightly. I don't have time to take the bullet out so I leave it in, feeling it swish around in my arm everytime I move.

I finally see the bus in the distance at the back of the prison but it's already driving off. I look around and see no one.

"SHIT!" I yell,

This could not, be happening.

(Carls POV))

"Oh fuck," I say, looking down at my arm.

After about 30 minutes, most of the governors people left or died.

"Are you okay?" Anna says examining my arm and squeezing it flirty.

I snatch it away and give her a look. Now, is not a time to be flirting.

"I'll be fine," I assure her.

"So what the fuck should we do?!" She asks me,

I shrug.

I'm so mad at my dad, but I just hope he's alive.

"C-Carl?!" A voice says weakly,

"DAD!" I run to him.

As I get closer the worse he looks. Both of his eyes are almost swollen shut, and he can barely walk.

I help him put on arm on my shoulder as Anna does the same I guess it's just us three.

Amaya is all I think about as we head up the hill. I look back at what use to be our home. It was all we could ask for, then some bastard had to come and take it from us, OUR own home, it's all because of my dad he could of, I FUCKING COULD OF done something.

"Judith? Where's Judith?!" My dad says softly although it seems like he wanted to yell,

Then I come to realization they are dead, everyone is... dead.

We were walking aside the prison, when we saw it.

Her carseat. With blood in it everywhere. I could barely look at it any longer without wanting to throw up.

That means Amaya never got to Judith in time. They both have to be dead. They're dead. They're dead. They're dead. This thought keeps replaying in my mind

Suddenly my dad falls on the ground and sobs uncontrollably. I fall down with him and do the same, everything hurts. This pain is unbearable.

Then a I hear one singular walker come from behind, moaning and groaning. I take out my pistol and shoot it over and over, trying to use all the bullets I had. I had so much rage and hate filled within me suddenly and this helped just barely.

"Carl stop!" Anna screams she takes the gun away from me and hugs me from behind. I turn around so she can hug me the right way. I cry into her shoulder as she rubs my back, crying with me.

"Shh... Sweetie... It'll be okay.." Anna hugs me tight and let's go, she kisses me on the forehead.

When she does this I instantly think of Amaya and I shove Anna off me and simply say,

"You're not her, you'll never be her." I look her dead in the eyes and she looks hurt by my words.

I pick up my dad and tell him we have to keep moving.

We are, too far gone.

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