Chapter 19: It's not fair

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I was waiting for the bites, scratches, burns anything... But nothing came... I peeked open one eye... They were attracted to something...


"Ayee fuckers! Come over yer! Fresh food!" He said backing up slowly.

I couldn't recognize the man.. I just noticed it started to rain.. The voice sounded so familiar too...

"Amaya! Run god dammit!" The voice said again,

So the person knew me... I was in one of my states where I was in shock. I couldn't move, I couldn't think... Nothing came to my mind like a weak signal...

My eyes were blurry I realized, it was now pouring... I shivered as I heard gun shots... Then nothing... At all... it was silent for a second like the world froze thinking what to do next...

I shuttered as I heard the man screams.. I heard them growling hungry for more... Tearing through the flesh like they were opening a present.. I slowly stood up to put the man outta his misery.

I was shaking. I fell over from my state of shock with a pocket knife in my hand, I stabbed one in its head.

1 down... 2 to go...

The monsters finally noticed me and got up from their meal... I was so weak I just passed them and I ran to the man... I couldn't recognize him, he was too eaten up..

Why did people have to go this way.. It's not fair...

It's not fair.. Kept on repeating in my mind...

"ITS NOT DAMN FAIR!" I yelled..

They came close.. I was a goner for sure.. No one to save me this time I closed my eyes and laid down.. I started to cry.. My vision blurry I saw them limping towards me I put my head down on the ground...

Then... Everything went black...

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