Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Luke? What ar-" I was interupted by Lola coming to the door.

"Oh Nikki, hi!"

"Uh hi" I said. Luke opened the door wider so I could come in.

"Nikki, this is my twin brother Luke. Luke, Nikki." She said. I was still staring at Luke. They were nothing alike. He was punk and bold. While she appeared sweet and shy. The real only resemlence was the hair and eyes.

Lola loudly cleared her throat, snapping us out of our little staring session.

She heads up the stairs and motions me to follow her. I do and when we get out of Luke's earshot she askes

"What was that all about?" She adds a little laugh to it too.

"I really dont know." I answer truthfully.

"So how do you know Luke?"

"I dont really know him, per se, but He has warned me about Max just like the rest of the school." I say in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Well thats strange," she says quietly. I give her a questioning look. "Its just that Luke usually just goes along with his group of friends. Like normally he would be hating you and tring to make your life miserable. So I just find it odd that he isn't... But whatever. So do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"yeah, sure, whatever you want." I was still thinking about was she said, and how Luke is being, in his own way, nice to me.

"Ok, uh, Mean Girls?" She said

"Yeah! Sounds great!" I replied back. I loved that movie. we went down to their basement, to what I guessed, was their movie room thing.

Luke was in there watching some movie, and when we came in he started to say something about him being there first. But when Lola showed him Mean Girls he perked up. Did he really like that movie? Turns out he isn't made of stone.

He didnt leave during the movie, I figured because he was just too lazy to leave. But when I looked back he was actually watching the movie. When he caught me staring he put a stupid smirk on his face and I turned back to the movie.

Lola got up and walked out. I watched her leave and I looked back at Luke. Why? I dont know. Something about him was so attractive. But I don't like him.

"Done checkin me out?" Luke said a few seconds after Lola left.

"I wasn't." I definitely shot back.

"Liar" he half mumbled to himself

Lola chose that exact next moment to walk in the door. Good thing too, because I didnt really have a comeback ready.

"Sorry, I wanted popcorn" she said, offering me some. I took a handful. Then Luke came to take some.

"like what you see?"Luke teasingly whispered in my ear. I tried not to react, and just stared at the TV. He left but not before dropping some popcorn on my head. I glared up at him, and he just winked at me. Ugh

The movie ended, and I was kinda tired so I decided to go home. Lola walked me out.

"what was up with you and Luke tonight?" She asked. Had she really noticed?

"uh, nothing. Should there be?" I asked back.

"Nah, but I think he likes you."

"really?" that's laughable.

"oh yeah, twin senses."

I burst out laughing. "Yeah I still doubt it though no matter your weird brain link."

"Eh, whatever. You like him, I can see it" she was pushing it.


"well I beg to differ."

"your begging has no effect. I will now leave, because I am tired." I say back

"yes, love had that effect on people." She says to me. I just playfuly glare at her and walk down the street.

*The next day*

All night I couldn't stop thinking, about what Lola said. Does Luke really like me?

I kept zoning out the entire next day, even lunch. And Max still wanted to kill me. When I accidentially caught his eye, all I saw was pure hatered. Gee, this guy could hold a grudge.

I got to the class after lunch. Luke walked in, but instead of saying something, he just smiled and winked at me. I just looked down.

Before I knew it the day was over, and I was walking out of school my head looking down at my phone. I ran into someone. Not just anyone. Max.

"Oh, sorry." I say politely

He took the opportunity and shoved me against the lockers and started yelling in my face. He started getting closer. Everyone around us stopped to watch. I wanted him to stop. I know he wouldnt listen to me, so I slapped him with all my strenth and ran like there was no tomorrow.

I got in my car as quickly as I could, and spend off.

I noticed a car following me I tried to get a look at the driver. You guessed it, Max. There was no way I was going to drive home and let him know where I lived.

He got beside me and started to push me off the road into the median. There was a ditch there not a very big one, but still. I started to slow down so I could just ditch him from behind. But before I got to far behind him he realized what I was doing. He jerked into my car and I headed into the median ditch.

All I remeber was my head hitting the steering wheel before everything went black.


Editing note: I finally fixed the car/walking thing. Finally.

Yes I know Luke doesnt have a twin, or even a sister, but its for the story.

I hoped you liked the chapter though!!!!



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