Chapter 27

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                   Chapter 27


The week that the boys have been back has flown by, and they need to now rejoin One Direction on tour. This past week I have learned a lot about myself and what I have been doing with the past year of my life. Somethings are coming back, but not many.

The one good thing about having amnesia is you get to rediscover all the music that you have enjoyed in the past year.

But that's like the only thing. The rest sucks.


Rachel and I have visited all of our favorite places. Well she made me go to all of her favorite places, since I don't remember that I don't like all of them. Oh, what bliss.

Kidding... ish. I love her, but I don't really exactly like everything she does.

And I miss the boys, like a lot. I know I have only "known" them for a week, but they seem like genuinely awesome people.

Oh, and Luke's hot.

And funny.

And tall.

And he smells really good.

His eyes. Amazing oceans of crystal blue.

And just overall a little bundle of sunshine.

We also went shopping since that is one of the thing I do remember I love.

We hit at least 15 clothing stores and go through like every rack. I wish I could just buy these entire stores. Then I could wear a different outfit everyday. And still look great.

Lol who am I kidding, I could only look good in these clothes if I had like a size 0 waist.

The only people with size 0 waist have like sticks for legs.

How do people survive with like stick legs? How do they not just, snap?

If I had stick legs, gravity would've broken them ages ago.

How do giraffe's legs not break? Cause their bodies aren't exactly tiny either.

Or like ostriches.

Hey this shirt has an ostrich on it. Who would put and ostrich on a shirt? Is it in my size? I think I'll buy it to raise awareness for tiny legs.

Not for that price.

Who would pay that much for this shirt anyway?

They must think we are all idiots. Well I guess we all kinda are idiots.

Screw the price. I am gonna get the ostrich shirt if it kills me.

What if it does kill me? Maybe the ostrich will come alive in the middle if the night a d strangle me.

Yup, putting that shirt down.

Moving on.

I haven't eaten in forever. I want food.

Pizza sounds amazing right now.

What am I talking about? Gee my mind. I swear I am secretly ADHD or something. I don't know. What was I even talking about in the first place?

"Rach? Can we go get pizza?"

"Yeah sure! Just give me a sec to try this on!" She is holing some skirt with some print of some kind. I go and find somewhere to sit.

All I want is Pizza. Love dies but pizza is forever. Just remember that. It is very important.


We get back to my place and my mom is standing there really excited with something behind her back.

"Nicola I got you something?"

"Okaaaay..." she reveals what looks to be some kind of tickets. But there are like 6 of them. "Why so many tickets mom?"

"They are actually three different shows. Your friends are opening up for the main performance so I thought you might like to see them." She smiles so widely and I mirror her expression. I am so happy. I have heard some of their music since coming back from Hawaii, and these four boys really are talented. The actually concerts aren't until October, almost 2 months away.

Oh well, I still couldn't be happier. I thank my mom at least a billion times before heading upstairs with Rachel to look over our purchases.

Best part of shopping.



I haven't updated in like ten days and now you guys get this filler shit.

I have now excuse other than school, sports and being extremely tired.

5k happened ♥


↑ he has a double mustache



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