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ryan was casually lying in bed, cuddling the bear he had gotten previous day. this thing has been attached to ryan all the time now. it had this smell. this smell wasn't anything like cherry blossom or vanilla. it was something that he had only smelt once but can't remember it.

he was then interrupted in the middle of his own inner dialogue by his door opening, showing a smiling spencer. 

"why did you do?" ryan asked, his mind fulled with confusion as to why spencer walked in with a smile.

"well, there is a game tonight and i was wondering if you wanted to go?" ryan desperately clung to his bear, which he named harry, in an attempt to show that he didn't plan on going anywhere. come on, he was in sweatpants and a shirt two sizes too big for his lanky body.

"i knew that wasn't going to work," spencer sighed to himself, laying next to ryan. "i'm just gonna stay over tonight." ryan just nodded, thankful he didn't have to actually get dressed and go somewhere.

his phone buzzed on the nightstand next to him, causing a wave of excitement to come over him as he checked it and saw it was from brendon.

wish you were here at the game, you were kinda my good luck charm...

ryan smiled at the thought of him being his 'good luck charm.' i'm currently in sweats, i don't think that would be a pretty sight... sorry. ryan quickly typed back to him.

if it's you then i'm sure it would be a beautiful sight, gotta go. bye.

ryan couldn't wipe the pink off of his cheeks for the rest of the night, thankfully, spencer was asleep so he couldn't make fun of him for it or poke him until he told him what it was about.


"ryan, your mom has been calling your name for the past 5 minute, get up," spencer groaned into his ear, repetitively hitting his head with a pillow as if that would wake him up anymore. 

ryan groggily got up from his comfortable spot in bed, jokingly tucking spencer back into bed, and went downstairs stretching once at the bottom steps. 

"what, mo-," but he was cutoff once he saw there was someone else there instead of  just his mother.

brendon urie was in his house.

"oh! um, hey br-brendon," ryan was flushing red once remembered what he was wearing and how horrifyingly ugly he must look, but brendon just smiled as ryan's mother left the room.

"hey, ryan. i was wondering if you wanted to go out and get breakfast with me? it's perfectly fine if not because i can see you just woke up and spencers' car is in the driveway, and yeah, this was a really stupid question to ask you, i'm sor-," but he was cutoff by ryans' hand raising.

"brendon, chill, spencer practically lives here at this point so he's fine home alone, as long as he doesn't try to fuck my mom," brendon snorted at this comment, making ryan smile. "just let me go get dress and then we can go, okay?" brendon smiled and nodded as ryan went back up to his room and squealed to spencer, telling him every little detail, making him jump up and throw his clothes to him.

once ryan was ready,  spencer walked downstairs with him and smiling at brendon, maybe even sneaking a quick wink which caused brendon to subtly roll his eyes at him as the duo walked outside to his car. brendon held the car door open for ryan, which ryan smiled at.

"so, how did the game go last night?" ryan asked in an attempt start a conversation.

"we lost by 9 points, i told you, you are my good luck charm," brendon stated matter-of-factly, causing ryan to roll his eyes. and that's how the rest of the trip went, brendon gushing over ryan and ryan just rolling his eyes.

maybe they should hang out more.

an update two days in a row ?? who is she ??

anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter !!


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