Chapter One. Starting

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Anastasia POV

"Elena being all the files to my offce" I said to the petite girl who was my secetery and PA at the same time.

"Yes ma'am" she answered.

I sat in my chair and dropped my coffee on my table.

"The files ma'am"Elena said and dropped the files on my table.

"Okay please look through my schedule and give me a brief of today and please cancel all personal engagements. I have to go welcome my brother at the airport at 6pm."I said resting back into my chair

"Yes ma'am." She said and went to her table to check and came back inside.

"You have a meeting to finalize the deal with glitz and glam jewellery by 12 noon and you ur have lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Hill by 1pm  . You have a meeting with all head of departments by 3pm. I moved the meeting with Mr. Jones to tomorrow when Mr. Adams will be around. The board meeting has been moved to tomorrow."

"Is that all?" I asked already sissy with all the work.

"Yes ma'am."

"Thanks I will call you if I need anything at all."

As soon as she was out of the office I kicked off my 6" silleto heels. Everyday paparazzi filled the exterior of Heels & Hills waiting for my family to come and leave. There has to be no room to make a wrong impression about the clothes and shoes we make.

Even if I hate the new line just released I have to wear it.  Changing my wardrobe at every given time of the year. New releases for winter, summer autumn and spring. Winter clothes are the best because they are warm.

If I wasn't so popular I will wear clothes I am comfortable in like jeans and snickers or even loafers. I check through the paper to make sure all the figures are correct.

Normally I don't do this work it is usually Adams because by April my dad will be retiring handing over to Adam. I check through the bugget for the winter clothes that we have to start working on next week so that they can be out by November. We like releasing our line a little late and mostly a combination of many other lines and our line has been doing very well as of everyday.

"Ma'am it's noon and the manager Mrs. Antonia has come I have shown her to the board room." Elena said after entering my office.

I nod at her and wear my shoes back on. I check my face for smudged makeup I clean up and apply body spray that is always in my office and I use the room that is connected with my office to the board room.

"Welcome to Heels and Hills" I say shaking Mrs. Antonia with a professional smile.

"My pleasure to be here Ms. Anastasia." she says also returning that smile.

"Yes ma we wanted to buy some stones from your jewellery store and we need it next week for the production of some of our new product" I say sitting besides on the board meeting table.

"Well I was told and I have a budget of what it will cost you to purchase the pieces you requested for."

I collect the budget and check through to make sure the numbers are correct and all.

"Okay ma'am I will just call our lawyer to  make sure your source is legal and all"I tell her.

She nods and I pick my phone.

"Hello lawyer Deborah"

"Hello Anna."

"I have a client and I need you in the board room now."

"Okay give me a few minutes."

"Okay" I say and hung up. "She will be here soon. What can I get you maybe some tea or coffee?"

"Tea will be okay." I nod and call Elena to prepare tea for her and coffee for me.

Elena serves it and leaves.

"Thanks" she said smiling taking a sip of it. That professional smile is killing me so much

Deborah enters the board room looking all confident in her clothes.

"Welcome to Heels and Hills" Deborah says as soon as she sits next to me.

"Thank you" Mrs. Antonia said and showed her the budget.

Deborah opens the file in her hands and compares with the budget. She nods and said "your offer is generous and your source is legal so we will take it. You just have to sign this form" Deborah said giving her a paper.

She reads through it and smiles then she signs.

"You will have to send us your account details and we will send all the money this night. We want our stones next week at latest." I say to her.

"No problem at all your products will be delivered. Nice doing business with you" she said shaking our hands. She left the room.

"Ana, how is the work taking a tail on you" Debby asked me.

Deborah Knight is my best friend from college. Her dad owns a law firm but she said her elder sister will take over it for now she wants to work individually and collect pay then after sometime she will go and work with them. Did I mention she is dating my brother? I guess not. Debby is dating my brother and they are set to marry in February next year.

"Debby you have to accompany me to go welcome Adams at the airport" I say to her. She nods I look at my watch and I see I have fifteen minutes to go downstairs to the cafe to meet my parents for lunch.

"I have meet my parents for lunch now can I see you later? You have to be there when I meet the Head of Departments by 3pm."

"More work?" She groaned but nods.

"Lazy ass" I said and headed out of the room downstairs for lunch with my parents.

My parents are extremely down to earth people they have their lunch in the cafe with the rest of the workers. They always insist that we as a family have lunch together.

"Hey mom" I said hugging my mom even If I just saw her this morning. My parents are just very sentimental with emotions and all.

"Hey dad" I said hugging him too before sitting down.

"How has your day been?" Mom asked me.

"I just closed the deal with glitz and glam" I tell them picking up an apple. Have I said it before. Well I guess not much parents make us eat healthy.

"Well that is wonderful news" dad said.

We ate lunch and for the rest of the lunch we talked and laughed like a family.

By three I had a meeting with all the head of departments and the blueprints for winter clothes were approved.

I leave the office at four thirty with Debby to the airport. We buy some flowers and surprisingly the fans of Adams and paparazzi were everywhere in the airport.

As soon as we see Adams the body guards protect him from the crazy fans. He is not even a singer just the CEO in making.

When he gets close to us I hug him and then he hugs Debby and kisses her and kisses her again. The fans were crazy and happy for showing the PDA from them. I gave him the flowers he smiled at me.

We walked out of the airport to the cars waiting for us. Debby and Adams enter one car and I enter another. This shoes are killing me I just want to go back home take a long bath and sleep.

"Take me home" I say to the driver and he begins driving. I hope Adams will come home today so mom can see him because she really misses him.

How can the paparazzi even call me Cinderella. I know Cinderella's life was much more easier than this I sigh as I sit well as we drive home.

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