Chapter nine:I am trying to be nice here.

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When I got a consent from Ana to take her for dinner I decided to take her to my house you know show her that I had the culinary skills in me. I think Lola is out for a date with Liam.

"Welcome to my humble abode" I say as soon we out of the car to the house.

"Arrogant jerk it is so humble" she said smiling and I can't help the smile that crossed my face. I mean every billionaire daughter will be proud but here she is not caring about how many rooms my mini mansion has.

"We will live here as soon as we are married" I say and she shakes her head to face me.

"We are not getting married" she said so slowly as if she was begging me to understand. I laugh at her and open the door to the house and lead her in.

"Make yourself at home I will be right back" I say and move to go put some things in place. I come back and see her looking at some of me and Lola's pictures over the wall. Lola said she loved it as it makes her happy whenever she sees the pictures.

"No need to stare at the picture for too long I'm here" I say to get her attention. She faced me and rolled her eyes.

"You look better in the pictures" she says with a sickly smile.

"Well it's because you haven't seen me in a new light" I say and she just shakes her head leaving the pictures to the couch.

"Come let's go make our dinner" I say and her eyebrow shot up.

"You can cook" she asked because why will a billionaire learn how to cook. It makes no obvious sense even to anyone.

"You will be surprised" I say and lead her to the kitchen. I have a house keeper but I don't let her handle most of my meals expect I'm in a hurry. When I was moving into this house after college I made sure to make the kitchen really big because I loved it in the kitchen.

"Wow" she gasped as soon as she entered the kitchen and I was happy at this. "Wow it's really big and equipped I wonder what a bachelor wants to do with all these" she say going closer to the rice cooker in the corner.

I laughed and took out two aprons giving her one to wear. Her eyebrows shot up as she beamed at me wearing the apron.

"Come on don't I look that handsome in an apron?" I sask.

"I can't stop looking because you are actually so ugly I want to claw my eyes out" she say slipping on her apron.

"Lying is bad" I say and start bringing out what I need. "And anyways you look good in the apron" I turn to face her and I saw her redened cheeks as she blushed. God she was so cute.

"What are you making?" she asked lulling me out of my thoughts.

"What are we making?" I corrected her. "We will be doing the cooking what do you want?" I asked her.

"Anything works fine" she said siting on one of the stools.

"Then I will make my famous Chinese rice and chicken nuggets" I say proud of my favourite food.

"I hope you are not planing to poison me" she said murmuring but I heard her and I chuckled at her.

"You have to participate or else you won't eat" I said and she groaned standing up to come stand beside me.

"Good girl" I say patting her head as she glares at me.


"Hmm this taste nice" she says closing her eyes savouring the taste of my proudly cooked meal.

"Of course I cooked it" I said. I just loved seeing her reactions.

"Don't flatter yourself" she said quickly and I chuckled at her.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend" I asked from the blue and I immediately regretted it because she looked flushed as if her face was on fire. "I'm so sorry you don't have to answer that" I say immediately.

She takes a sip of the sparkling water and smiles at me and I'm whipped by that. "No it's okay I can answer" she said taking a bite of the nuggets. "When I was in highschool and college Adams kept driving anyone who made a move on me and so nobody really wanted to ask me and now I don't go our frequently so that makes me single" she concludes flashing a grin.

"Not what I expected" I say truthfully.

"What did you expect?" she asked and I could see curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"I thought it will be something like 'my boy friend broke my heart' story" I said because hey that was the story most girl used and it was cliché and wonderful.

"That's to tell you am not your regular girl" she says with a charming smile.

"Definetly" I say returning her smile.

The rest of the night we fall into normal conversation and it's comfortable. She smiles occasionally and I can't help but smile back. After doing the dishes together. I take her to the living room and with a glass of champagne each we still sit and talk.

I bring our my phone and play some classical songs on it. She smiles at me.

"You like classical?" she asks putting down her glass and standing up.

"Yeah" I say looking at her.

"You strike me as loud heavy metal" she says stretching her hands for me. I hold unto the hand and pull myself off the couch.  "Let's dance" she say as soon as I was up.

We start swaying slowly to the music. She was looking at me as if I was some kind of mystery that she had to unravel.

My hands that were at the small of her back leave it to trail her face. I trail her jawline with my finger and she looks at me with shock. I couldn't help but look back at her and soon we had stopped dancing and now we were staring at each other in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know Ana was still here" a voice said making us pull away from each other.

" are here" Ana said as if she was caught doing something wrong.

"And yeah am going to my room now carry on with what ever you were doing please don't stop because of me" she said climbing up the stairs. "I'm going" she said again. "Going"

"We get it" I said and she chuckled.

"So where were we?" I ask puling get to dance.

"I think you were about to take me back home" she said tried to pull out.

"I don't think that was what was going on" I said pulling her.

She rolled her eyes and pulled out of my grip. "Nick please take me home" she said pouting. "I'm tired already"

"Okay" I said taking the cups back to the kitchen. "When do I get to see you again"

"I don't know I will think about it" she said putting on her shoes that she had taken off.

"Think about it please" I said sort of begging and she laughed lightly. I dropped her off. I opened the door for her and let her out.

"Thank you I had sort of a nice time" she said moving towards the house.

"Ana wait" I said stopping her." I walked to get closer to her. I hugged her and kissed her cheek lightly.

"I had a nice time too" I said and I saw her blush. Oh my God is she a highschool girl?

She merely nodded and went inside. I drove home with a smile on my face. She made my day.

Hey loviles.
So nice to see you after weeks of tortue of not writing. So shoot me with your votes and comment. Next chappies tomorrow. Couldn't wait to put this out.

Cinderella again? (#1 Hills) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें