Chapter seven: The girl called Cinderella

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Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Nicholas POV
I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Ana all day. She was one beautiful girl and I know her from tabloids. Not that I read them but Lola always makes me sit with her and she shows me pictures in the magazines. Hell those pictures did her no good at all. She had delicate features that I want to run my hands on.

Her dirty blonde hair and blue eyes stay in my mind all day. I ask my PA I don't mean my assistant/ secretary that tried to flirt with me I mean Matt to help me get Ana's number so I can call her. I deserve more than a dinner.

I quickly saved her number and sent her a text because I was too chicken to call her or maybe I don't do so well talking on the phone.

Morning Ana hope you are not still mad at me. I hope I am forgiven.

Almost immediately she replies me and I feel warming knowing she does.

Well already told you that you are forgiven so please don't ask me again.

That obviously boost my ego and smiling like and idiot I send her another text.

Then if I am forgiven I guess I can come take you out for lunch? 

I wear for her to reply and she doesn't. 8 try to convince myself that she is probably busy and even as lunch time approaches I fear she will not reply me back so I text her again.

So what do you say Ana?

She replies almost immediately and I feel happy that is before I open the text and it says these. 
Maybe some other time I am kinda busy today.
Come on.No one has ever refused lunch with me ever before and she will be the first I can say my ego is hurt.

I was trying all my possible best to concentrate but my mind kept drifting to dirty blonde blue sparkling eyes small nose and beautiful face.

My assistant whose name I don't care to remember.

"Come in" I say to her as she stands at the entrance.

She comes closer and places some files on my desk purposely leaning over to expose her tits. I mean come on I know your ways.

"Mr. Forest you look troubled is there anything I can do for you" she asked batting her eyelashes and stroking my hands. Frustrated I jerk my hands away. I need a distraction and I need to clear my head from that taunting blue eyes.

I stand up and go pull her to myself before kissing her hard. I can see she is liking it because of the way her hands go up to my neck and holds it tight. As I thrust my tongue into her head my logically reasoning is telling me that it is still noon and anyone can walk in now so I stop.

Shocked that I stopped she put her hand on my arm to stop me "What is wrong wasn't it hot enough for you?" she asks tilting her head to make her look appealing.

"We can be caught" I say even though I am not supposed to be explaining to her.

"Can I come back this night, we can go some place no one knows" she says sliding her hands down my forearm.

"Miss.... " I say and stop realizing I don't even know her name.

She looks shocked but just tells me her name. "It's Cathy"

"Cathy that kiss meant nothing" I whisper against her mouth.

"You can't say that because you felt the spark of electricity" she counters.

She has got to be kidding me. How can she be so pushy concerning this. Has she not heard that I don't do long terms. I smile at her and run my hands through her chest and she smiled at the action.

"The kiss meant aboustely nothing, you can go now" I say to her and she leaves obviously not happy but her face is not showing it.

I sit on my desk and it happens again dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, small nose, red tiny lips. I am seriously dammed.


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