Chapter forty: Party

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When we got to the party my mom and dad joined the company of all the mom's and dad's that were in this party and I joined the company of guts my age range.

"Ana" a voice came out and it was very shrill. I turned to see Resse there.

"Resse" I say using the same tone she used with me.

We all stood getting to know each other well. Those of us there was me, Adams, Anita, Anika, Debby, Jade, Jacob Gates and his brother Joseph Gates. Claudia Marshall and her sister Eileen. Tess James who was Resse's sister. Lila my cousin, Harper, Cynthia and Travis Dilton. Mark my bestie and Riley his fiancee. The only people missing were the Forests.

Speaking of them. Resse called Nick's name just to tell all of us that he was here.

"Nick" she yelled out waving at him. I saw him walking over with Lola and give other people and Hayley running forward to meet me.

"Hey honey" I say picking her up.

"Mommy" she said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Awwn so sweet honey" I say kissing her back.

"What about me?" Nick asked after talking with Resse. That was a short greeting.

I roll my eyes and give him a smack on his face. "That is for you" I say moving away from him.

"That's too small" he says.

"We are public" I say pushing him away when he tried to come closer.

"Before Nick starts boyfriend mode over you" Cara said to me and I smiled as I can remember her well "let me introduce you to all my cousins."

"This is my brother Aaron Lancaster, my cousins Leah woodley and Rachael Mirchoff" she said motioning to them all. "And this is Nick's cousin James Forest" she said and I turned to greet them all.

"Nice to meet you all I'm Ana" I say and Cara laughed.

"They know you" Cara said laughing at me.

"Oh" I said feeling awkward.

"Nice to meet you" James said taking My hand in his and kissing the back. I was shocked at his antics. How can he do such a thing to someone he just met. "Nice to finally meet the future wife of my cousin" he said

"Move back" Nick said coming closer to us.

"Okay" James said stepping back in a mocking tone.

"Sorry about James" Aaron said and I smiled to him. "Nice to meet you" he said with a smile taking my hand to his lips his eyes going to Nick. Nick had a strong expression on his face. He kissed it lightly before dropping it and stepping back.

"And I'm Leah" Leah said stepping forward. "Nice to meet you I guess" she said honestly. "I don't know much about you but what ever" she said as if she was sad about coming here.

"And I'm Rachael" the last one came forward. "Nice to meet you" she said quickly before backing away.

I pull Lila out of the crowd of people who were moving form topic to topic. "This is my cousin Lila" I say and they all greet each other soon everyone was introduced to each other and we were  comfortably talking.

Resse was the only person still getting in my nerves. She clutched completely to Nick and stayed by his side. Time by time he continued to try to pry her off him but she still clung like a pest.

Anytime James or Jacob made a joke she will touch Nick on his chest or hit his arm lightly and I was already getting so tired of the scene before me already. Woman get yourself your own man.

Soon we were all ushered to the long dinning table were we all ate down to have the dinner that we came here for. Nick was by my side. The adults so to say were at the head of the table talking about shares and stocks and making jokes non of us care about. We do but we don't talk about that on Christmas day. So we equally took the opportunity to take amongst our self.

James and Jacob really had a lively personality. Cara and Lila also talked once in a while. Anika too joins to make noise for him.

All night long while I feed Hayley Nick tries to touch my legs from beneath the table while I keep prying his hands off every single time.

We all dispersed after the dinner to lounge around and have a nice time. Since we were already I'm groups I discovered that Aaron had started to talk with Lila and they fell into simple conversation.

James was surrounded with Anita Anika and Jade with Lola. They were laughing heavily at what ever joke he was making this time.

Cara was just shamelessly flirting to Jacob and Leah tried her possible best to pry her off him, but she clung like some one that was clinging to an oxygen bag.

Joseph was trying so desperately to get a reaction of Leah but for some odd reason she kept mute just passing him passive glances once in a while.

Resse and some other people gathered together and of course Adams and Debby were together and Mark and Riley were inseparable.

"Let's go out, leave Hayley with Lola" Nick said to me and I nodded following him after dropping Hayley off at a very high-spirited Lola towards the exit.

"Let's take a walk" he said taking my hand in his and it felt just right. He started walking so fast that I couldn't keep up with him.

"I'm wearing heels, you are too fast" I say and he turns to me with an apologetic face.

"I just want us to go to a place where we can talk without having anyone poke nose into our matters" he said and I was confused until I saw all the young adults with their faces pressed to the glass doors watching us.

"Yeah let's go" I said "But let me remove my shoes or you can carry me" I suggested and he smiled at me.

"My pleasure" he said before lifting me up and the gasp from everyone there was very audible.

New chapter. Thanks for the support.
Love you guys

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