Chapter seventeen: I hope things can be back to normal

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"Hey" I says a bit startled when she opened the door I was not expecting to see her here. Okay I was expecting to see her but not at the door.

"Hey come in" she say opening the door widely. Then her eyes drift to Hayley clutching his legs tightly that she can't let go.

"Hey little one" she said smiling at her.

"Hey" Hayley says shyly. We enter with Lola trailing at our back.

Lola and Ana greet each other and then all of us take our seats in the living room. Adams engaged me in some talks about the stocks and shares we will have to get when we merge. I can't help but glance occasionally at her. She has a beautiful smile and she was smiling as she was talking with the twins and Lola.

"I hope you guys are having a nice time" Ciara Ana mom's voice greeted us.

We all nodded and then the bell rang. Ana stood up and went to get it. Moments later revealing an elderly man with a woman and two girls trailing behind them. One of the girl after greeting all the girls went straight to Adams I remember her from the dinner we had some time ago.

We sat down and Adams introduced me to the couple.

"Nick meet Mr and Mrs. Knight, they are Debby's parents" Adams says and give them a handshake. "They own a law firm" he elaborated.

"Nice to meet you sir, I said while diverting my attention and glancing at Ana again. All the girls where on their won conversation not even minding us.

"So yell me what do you do Nick" Mr. Knight questioned me.

"Well I'm set to take over from my dad soon enough in the business. Forest works." I said.

I saw all of the girls walk out to the kitchen area leaving me Adams and Mr and Mrs. Knight.

We talked for sometime and I discovered that Mr. Knight in so way was trying to sell his business to me.

Finally my parents arrived and we were ushered to a dining room. Mr. Hills sat at the head of the table and Mrs. Hills by his right hand side. Anika and Anita sat by there mom and Adams sat at his left hand side followed by Debby and then her sister whose name we discovered to be Jade. Mr and Mrs. Knight sat beside Jade. My dad sat at the other head of the table with mom by right. Ana sat beside Anita and I sat beside her, Hayley sat next to me and then finally Lola.

Mrs. Hills made us hold our hands to say grace before eating. As my hands connected with Ana's hand I felt electricity follow into them immediately. I ignored it and we prayed.

The table was filled with various meals. We started digging in.

"How was your trip?" Diego(Ana's father) asked me.

"It was quite well" I answered before stuffing my mouth with the turkey that tasted so divine.

For some reason no one was asking who Hayley was. If it was me I will be so curious to know who she was bit they all minded their business.

After dinner, Ana stood up offering to do the dishes bit I want to talk to her. As she proceeded to pick up the dishes I spoke up.

"Ana can I have a word with you real quick" I said hoping she won't refuse me. Her eyes went from me to her mom and back to me.

"Go on honey I'm sure Anita Anika and Lola can do the dishes" Ciara said with a wide smile. I'm so doing a happy dance she is always making it easy for me.

"I can join you guys" Jade said standing up to do the dishes too.

"I'm guessing I will butt in" Debby said too. I looked at all of them with a grateful smile.

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