Chapter Eighteen: Hayley.

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I was nervous as hell and to think I was meeting a small girl probably four or five? It's not like I'm about to meet Bill Gates or president of the United States of America. I wasn't good at meeting new people even kids. What if she doesn't like me? What if I say something wrong?

The door opened and I saw Nick carrying Hayley. He came close to me on the couch and sat down there putting Hayley on his laps.

"Say hello" Nick whispered into her ears lowly but I heard him.

She smiled and her eyes glimmered. She was very beautiful. She had Nick's eyes and features. But her hair and skin colour was a different shade probably came from her mom.

"Hello" she said hiding her fave in his chest.

"Hello dear how are you?" I ask her my nervousness easing.

"I'm fine" she said knowing facing me.

"And how old are you?" I ask.

"I don't know" she said with a frown. "Dad how old am I?" she asked Nick tapping him. He had been watching us all the while with a smile on his face.

"She's four" he said holding her small figure closer.

She yawned and I take that as a sign that I'm not good with making conversation with children or she's tired. I decide to go for the later.

"Do you want to sleep?" I ask touching her head slightly. She nods. "Come here I will carry you" I say extending my hands to her. She nodded and came into them.

I take her and place her on my lap comfortably so she can rest on me well. She feels so vulnerable I want to wrap my hands around her and protect her always.

I only discovered that I was staring at her when I heard the click of a camera. I looked up to see Nick smiling at his phone. I stretched my neck to see the picture. He showed me. It was a picture of me smiling down at Hayley. I totally loved it. But one thing bothered me. Her mom.

"Can I ask a question?" I say to him.

"Of course Cinderella anything you wish" he said with a curved lips.

"What of her mom?" I ask as silent as I can get. I feel her normal breathing to indicate that she was sleeping peacefully.

"Haven't heard from her in three years" he said as if it was obvious. "Apparently she didn't care for her, she was with me because I was a popular and rich guy in college" he said with a sad smile.

"You may want to find her because she will want to know her someday" I say motioning to Hayley in my hands.

"I don't need to find her. If you marry me I'm very sure you will be the perfect mother for her" he said in a serious tone.

I know it's silly for a grown woman but the butterflies on my stomach just hot excited as if someone had just fed them now. My heart hammered against my chest.

"I don't know... "

"I know and I'm sure" he said cutting me off.  "I know it's too early to say I love you or that kind of shit but when I met you at that dinner I couldn't stop thinking about you. I even went to great lengths to stop you from resurfacing in my mind but you were stubborn and you kept on coming back" he said laying back on the couch well.

"You just kept replaying in my head like my favourite song. The two weeks that I wasn't near you and I couldn't take your call, I was so frustrated. I felt like jumping on the next flight and coming back to you. I wanted to hear your jokes and comebacks. I wanted to be near you" he said with a serious expression on his face.

"Nick..." I shuttered.

"That may be too much of a confession" he said shyly.

O Nick, how I wish I was as brave as you to tell you that you never left my mind. You kept coming back and mind you you were gone for two weeks and four days.

I gave a smile that said I understand.

"So I will pick you up for dinner tomorrow" he said picking Hayley out of my hands.

"I have work and I will be probably tired" I said to make it sound as if I wasn't looking forward to seeing him. "And what of Hayley, you will want to spend time with her" I said making up an excuse for him.

"Mom wants Hayley to stay over for the weekend starting tomorrow and I'm free" he said smacking his lips.

"Then I guess I can make time for you" I said with a small smile.

"We are going for a dinner tomorrow and I want to show you somewhere on Saturday" he said again. "I will pick you up at the office tomorrow" he said as he started walking out of the room.

"That's not necessary" I said.

"It's necessary for me" he said with a smirk.

"Why to boost your ego" I asked cockily.

"And she's back" he said with a smirk. "See you at five pm" he said walking out. I followed him out until he was at his car. He gently put Hayley at the back. Lola slid into the front seat to wait for him. He took steps towards me.

"See you tomorrow" he says leaning to give me a peck on the cheek. And with that he left.

"So what did you guys talk about" Nita said immediately I opened the door.

"Nothing much, he just told me the reason that he wasn't around" I say nonchalantly. I don't know if I want to tell them that he is a father already.

"Is it because of that little girl?" Anika asked again. They never give up do they?

"I'm sure she's his daughter" Debby said entering the living room and putting down her pony tail.

"How did you know?" I say without thinking.

"So I'm right then" Debby said taking her seat.

"yeah you are. The mom is no where to be found. We are talking abandoning her child for her dreams. He had her in first year of college" I say running my mouth.

"Are you okay with this?" she asks me.

"I mean yes why won't I be okay. It's not Hayley's fault her mom is a bitch" I say moving my hands through my hair.

"I hope you are good" Debby said standing up. "I better go see Adams now" she said moving towards the stairs.

"No naughty business up there" Anita called after them. "You okay sis"


As promised a new chapter. Hope I'm still in line. I want to bring you a story that's not your cliché one. I love romance but I believe in building relationships. Although love at first sight too is part of my other stories.

I totally love Hayley and I'm so sorry she has to go through all these things.
So please make me smile by pressing this
👇pretty please *batting eyelashes with a smutty smile*

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