Chapter Forty one: Meet your real mommy.

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Meet your real mommy

Everything had been going well with me and Nick. After the party on Christmas and new year we had been okay. We grew closer to each other.

And today was the day Nick decided it was the right time to tell Hayley who her mother was and introduce her to him and he asked me to be there with him and I loved Hayley too much to refuse.

We decided to meet in one of those restaurants that have private rooms and he had reserved a room for us.

"Hayley" I said when I entered the room that was prepared.

"Mommy" she squealed and ran to me.

"How are you honey" I say kissing her cheek. She giggled and covered her face with her tiny hands.

"I'm fine" she replied and then started to play with the pearls on my blouse.

"Hey love" Nick  said giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Not in front of Hayley" I said smiling at him.

"I'm not looking" Hayley said covering her eyes in her arms. I laughed at her childish attitude before returning the kiss to Nick.

"You can look now" I said and she looked up at us smiling.

"Come sit" Nick said collecting Hayley from me and leading us to the table.

Soon enough Elena joined us and we were seated. We ordered some Italian food and we ate away not saying a word.

Hayley was a really smart child but I don't k or if she had decoded this one. She kept glancing over at Elena while I was still feeding her. Finally when the food was finished Nick decided to speak.

"Hayley" he said carefully and she looked at him happily. "We want to tell you something okay darling" he said patting her head and she nodded afterwards.

"Tell me daddy" she said and I smiled at her.

"Okay Hayely listen" he said. "Your mommy is here" he said and Hayley turned to me and smiled her heartwarming smile.

"Yes daddy, this is mommy" she said holding my hand.

"Hayley yes she is your mommy but-" Nick  began but Elena cut him off.

"I'm your real mommy" she said without expression. Hayley frowned at her before turning to me.

"Mommy aren't you my mommy" she said sadly and I was so angry at the way Elena dropped the news on a little girl.

"Of course Hayley I'm your mom but, she" I said pointing to Elena is your real mommy" I said and Hayley looked confused more. "I'm your mommy because I'm getting married to your daddy" I explain to the sad child.

"I want you to be my mommy" she said gripping to my hand.

"I will still be your mommy but I want you to understand that now you have two mommy's" I said holding up two fingers for her to see.

"Hayley" Elena said grabbing her attention. Hayley turned to face her her face still slightly in my chest.

"What is your name?" Hayley asked and Elena gave her  a sad smile.

"Julia" she said and Hayley nodded.

"Hi" she said to her smiling her adorable toothless smile. She had lost a tooth a few days ago.

"How are you?" Julia asked and Hayley smiled.

"I'm fine" she said and she started talking freely again. "My daddy bought me some new barbie dolls yesterday and mommy" she said pointing to me. "Took me for ice cream when daddy dropped me at her place. Daddy told her not to give me ice cream but I begged her and she gave me" Hayley spoke without any care in the world.

Nick looked at me to say 'you gave her ice cream?' It's not my fault she is so adorable and cute.

"Hayley that is enough" Nick said stopping her from going into another full rant. As a little child she does talk too much.

My phone chimed with a message from Debby. I looked down to see the message. I was to go cake tasting with them today. Mark and Riley were also tasting cake this early.

"I have to go help Debby with some things" I say to Nick and he nods because he already knows about this meeting.

"Are you going already?" Hayley asked sad. When I nodded she clung to me. "Don't go" she mumbled to my chest.

"Hayley come here" Nick said picking her up. "Mommy will come see you tomorrow okay?" he said assuring her. When she nodded I discovered that she had tears in her eyes.

"If you cry I won't let you have the cookies that aunty Anika baked" I say and she perks up. She loves sweets so much.

"I'm not crying again" she said wiping her tears away. We all laughed lightly at her behavior.

"Okay bye baby" I say kissing her cheek and then giving Nick a kiss equally on the cheek. "Take care Julia" I say addressing Elena who sat there as if she didn't fit.

"Thanks" she said not looking at me.

When I pulled out in front of Bloom catering company Mark and Riley were pulling out too.

"Ana" Riley said my name as they came closer to stand by me.

"Riley" I say giving her a hug. "How have you been?" I ask her and she beams.

"Been good" she said and I turned to Mark.

"How are you?" I asked and he looked at me before averting his eyes.

"You used to be my best friend. You hug me and you ask me first but now I have a wife and you prefer her" he said shamelessly cracking me and Riley up.

"Mark seriously?" I say going in for a hug.

"Better" he said hugging me back.

"Let's go" I say ushering them inside. "This enterprise is owned by Nick's uncle. His daughter tries manages some events so we are going to see her" I say leading them the way Nick had explained to me.

When we got to the floor we were directed by a fuzzy looking girl to the office. Debby was already seated with Adams who looked like he rather do something else.

"Sorry I'm late" I say giving Debby and apologetic look.

"Better late than never" she said and I smiled at her. She understood.

"Hello Rachael" I say taking a seat. "It's nice to see you again" I said to her and she put on that professional smile one each and everyone one of us were aware with.

"Welcome, so I already addressing them on the type of cake they want the chef is bringing some samples" she explained.

Soon we were in the act of choosing concepts agreeing and disagreeing with one another. My phone chimed with a message which I ignored I can check that later.

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