Chapter thirty five: Day out 1

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Day out 1

"Ana" Anika yelled opening my door entering without knocking.

"Where are your manners" I yell at her too.

"Left them with Nita" she said grinning slightly. "Are you going out?" she asked taking a sit on my bed plopping her leg downwards.

"No" I say slowly. "I just feel like standing in front of the mirror poking my eyes with this mascara brush" I say rolling my eyes.

"So are you going to see Nick?" She asked smiling in a weird way.

"No I'm not" I say putting down the brush after deciding that I can't punish my self any further. "Mark's in town am meeting up with him and Debby" I say smacking my lips to even the light shade of pink lipstick I had dabbed all over.

"And how is Debby taking that?" she asked smiling at all the memories of us together.

"Well" I draw out slowly.

"Well what?" she said in an angry tone at my sluggishness.

"Mark's getting married in January" I tell her and her expression is priceless.

"You are kidding me right?" she said in utmost shock.

"Well I knew since he just didn't want me to tell anyone yet" I say and she frowns.

"It's weird I always thought you two will end up together" she said and I snapped my neck to face her my body still facing the mirror.

"That was Mark and Debby not me" I tell her facing the mirror back.

"Non of us was blind to see that you were obviously closer with him than Debby was" she said and I had to admit to her words.

Debby became our friend when we were seven well Mark was eight but all the same.

"When we tried to date in highschool we couldn't even look at each other at potential partners I mean I knew him too well" I tell her and she smiles.

"That's what draws people together in movies and books" she said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"That's a fictional world. This" I say motioning around us "Is real life"

"I know that" she snapped and I returned the scowl already forming on her face.

"So who are you currently seeing?" I ask her and she narrows her eyes.

"No one" she said. "Adams keeps driving them away"

"He will stop soon when he marries" I tell her and she smiles widely.

"I hope so" she says. "Anyway mom said we are going final shopping tomorrow told me to tell you to get ready"

I groan and she groans too.

"Mom's shopping is always hell" I comment and she agrees with a violent head nod. "Can't we bail?" I ask hoping for a miracle.

"No we can't, apparently she's been shopping all alone since" she said and I looked back and saw she had been shopping alone truly.

"I guess a little tortue then?" I ask and she nods. "Where's Nita?" I ask.

"Gone to see some college girls" she said

"And you didn't go?" I and because they are glued to each other by the hip.

"Well, we are not on good terms" she muttered quickly obviously trying to avoid the topic.

"What happened" I say taking a sit by her side.

"I think those girls are bad influences on her and she thinks I'm just being jealous that she's not spending enough time with me" she said and tears threatened to come from her eyes.

"Are you bothered she's not spending enough time with you?"  I ask and she looks away. "So she is not spending enough time with you then?" I ask and her nod is weak.

"Those girls are on the verge of being expelled" she said and my eyes snapped to her.

"How do you know that?" I ask her sensing that Nita is in trouble.

"I'm student body president and everyone thinks I'm goody too shoes because I follow the rules" she said sniffing lightly.

"I'm going to have a talk with her as soon as I'm back from the day out okay?" I ask and she looks on wearily.

"Okay" she says finally.

"Do you want to come along?" I ask her.

"No I'll be fine. Just join mom in the Christmas baking" she said.

"You hate baking" I tell her and she laughs a little.

"I guess I love it now" she said stalking out.


"Hey Mrs. Lockhart" I say when Mark's mom opens the door for me and Debby standing at the door.

"Hey Mrs Lockhart" Debby said giving her a charming smile.

"O my darlings" she exclaimed pulling us into a hug.

"You were not at the Christmas dinner?" I ask her and she nods pulling her forever charming smile.

"I was at Africa threatening Mark to come have the wedding here" she says and I laugh. Mark's still afraid of his mom.

"We are here to pick up Mark" Debby said saving us from one of her long epitisles.

"Is he aware that you are coming?" she asks ushering us in.

"No it's a surprise" I pipe in.

"Well he is doing that stupid forty eight hours sleep" he mom said with a shudder. "You know the way up kick his butt out of bed and take him wherever you want to go" she said pushing us to the stairwell. "If he gives you any trouble don't hesitate to call me" she said flashing her perfect teeth at us before disappearing to the kitchen.

"Mark get up" Debby said pulling the covers out.

"Who's that" he mumbled

"Debby and Ana" I said and he shifted lightly on the bed.

"I'm sleeping" he said his voice coming out in a whisper.

Debby gave me a look and I nodded.

"O Mrs. Lockhart did you need any other thing?" Debby said loudly and at the mention of his mom's name he quickly sat up.

"She's not here?" he asked gasping.

"Yeah you were just being so hard to wake up" I say and he gives us a death glare.

"I'm jet lagged" he whined.

"You have been sleeping since yesterday" Debby spoke.

"I just want to sleep" he murmured falling back out.

Debby stepped out to the balcony that overlooks the living room and yelled. "Mrs. Lockhart Mark's being a pain in the ass"

"Mark" her voice came booming like in speakers. "You better get your lazy ass out of that bed this instant" she said and Mark stumbled out of bed.

"Thanks Mrs. Lockhart" Debby yelled back.

"No problem sweetie" she said and her voice went away in a sort of song.

"You guys are going to die" Mark said going to the bathroom.

"Fast" Debby said in a laugh.

"His room is still a pig style and he just came back yesterday" I said and Debby nodded.

"How is he a doctor again?" she asked.

"I have  no idea"

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