Chapter twenty: Hey you.

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Nick: I'm coming over.

Me: no don't come.

I sent that text and thirty minutes later Elena is in my office telling me. Mr. Forest is here to see me. I roll my eyes and ask her to let him in.

"I told you not to come" I say as he comes inside.

"Is that how you greet your boyfriend and future husband" he say stalking towards me at the back of the table.

"What do you want me to do? Jump up and down and do a happy dance?" I asked with all seriousness.

"That can work but I was thinking of the lines of a kiss" he said pointedly and I'm blushing. Way to go Nick.

"You can suck my ass because I'm not doing that" I said trying to concentrate on the work I put out for two weeks when he wasn't around.

"I wish I can" he commented with a smirk.

"Pervert" I say rolling my eyes at him. "How is Hayley"

"She's good. She is already at my mom's place" he says with a lip sided smile.

"I wish to see that dreamy angel again" I say remembering her face. It's pains to know that her face will always remind me of Nick.

"You will soon" he said sitting on the table facing me.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have work to do?" I asked him to keep the conversation rolling I'm sure that Hayley was tired yesterday.

"I cleared my day to be with you and you aren't being nice" he said like a child who was told he wasn't going to get a gift from Santa.

"Nick you didn't have to do that" I say because I'm speechless and I don't know what to say.

"Yes I did, see you wouldn't leave my head and Lola probably thinks I'm a creep for smiling anytime I remember you" he said truthfully.

I look at him. He is a case of don't judge a book by its cover.

"Yesterday" I draw out looking at him, he nodded giving me the go ahead to continue. "Yesterday you said you did things to get me out of your head what were they?" I asked because I had to know.

"You don't want to know that" he said immediately and I'm like I want to know.

"Well now you've got me up all curious" I say with all seriousness so he can know I want to know.

"Let's drop the topic please" he said in a whisper and pleading tone.

"I'm guessing when you are ready you will tell me" I say letting my curiosity die down.

"So what do you want to do while we wait for our time" he asked turning me around in the office chair.

"Nothing I think I have a meeting now" I tell him.

"Oh" he mumbled. "I'm so sorry I couldn't stay away, I'm messed up" he said in a low laugh.

"I can clear my day for you too" I said and I do not know how those words left my mouth. His eyes twinkled with something I can't still place my hands on.

"So do just that" he whispered leaning in close to me.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but you have a meeting now" Elena's voice resounded in the room and we pulled away. I just discovered that we had been staring at each other for probably a long time like we were some kind of creep.

"Yeah, Elena I was just about to call you, clear my schedule and shift everything to monday" I said to her and she nodded.

Her eyes shifted from me to Nick before she turned and left. I didn't miss the flash of emotion in her eyes when she looked at Nick. Something is wrong or I'm just paranoid. I want it to be the later but I feel it's the former.

"So what do you want to do?" Nick said reminding me of his presence.

"Anything you want to do" I said then regretted it. What of if he has this kind of idea that we should have sex.

"Do you want go come to my house" he asks in whisper.

My eyes widen in shock and he looks confused before realization dawns on him and he laughs his butt off.

"Come on Ana, I'm not an animal. If you don't want to I can force myself on you" he said with tears of laughter coming out of his eyes. "Unless you want to do it" he asks wriggling his eyebrow.

"Pervert " I yell and he finds me funny because he can't stop laughing.

"It's okay, so that rules my house out of it, although we are having dinner there again" he said quickly.

"Still a show off" I said with a smirk.

"Hey you are back" he said returning the smirk.

"We can go to your house" I say in hushed tone.

"What do you say" he says cupping his ears with his hands into the form of a cone.

"I said we can go to your house" I said a little louder.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get that can you repeat it" he said with a smile threatening to break free from his lips.

"Let's go to your house" I finally shouted. Thank Goodness that this office is soundproof or people will think I'm begging him for something awful. I work here and I'm the boss. I don't want anyone getting gossips into their heads.

"Let's go then" he says yanking me up and leading me out the door after I gathered my things.

"Why don't we go to normal restaurants" I ask. I want to think it's because he is a show off but I'm thinking it's more than that.

"Well the press" he says simply.

"OMG, you are ashamed of me" I say with fake hurt pressing my hands to my chest where I'm sure the heart should be.

"Ana take that idea out of your head" he said turning to face me while he drove. "I'm not in any bit ashamed of you. I know how much you hate the media and I want to be sure this relationship is working before I announce us"

The way he said US made me know he was willingly to give his all. I hope I can give my all.

"That's so sweet" I mumble in my sit.

"I know" he said grinning.

"I hope you know you have an ego problem" I said sweetly.

"You never fail to remind me" he said with the equal sweetness.

Hey guys. And I'm so so soooooooooo so sorry for not updating. I know that I'm on break and I'm supposed to give a chapter each day but I've been so busy. What should I write here? I'm confused. Don't forget to do the usual. Love ya.

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