Chapter thirty four: The talk

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The talk

"So I know that you sent Mark away because you wanted to talk to me" I said taking a sip of my soda.

"Yeah" he said pointedly.

"So?" I asked.

"So?" he said taking my tone.

"Be serious" I said narrowing my eyes.

"I'm serious" he said in a mocking tone.

"Then speak" I said although I already know what we want to talk about.

"So about Elena" he said turning to a serious expression.

"What about her" I said trying to sound nonchalantly

"You know what I want to say" he said looking directly at my face. "I want you to know that no one can come between us"

"Why are you telling me this" I murmur.

"Because I want you to know that no matter what comes our way I will still to you like a sore thumb" he said and I laugh at his half attempted joke. "And I want you to promise me that you will stick to me too" he concluded.

"Like a sore thumb?" I said throwing his joke back at him.

"Yes like a sore thumb" he said and I laughed again.

"Nick I can't promise you that" I said my voice turning serious. "I mean to say if the best for Hayley is to have both her parents then how can I deny her such a right" I said finally speaking my mind and the thought of loosing him flooded my mind. Great just when I was starting to like him.

"Julia wants to see me tomorrow" he said and my head snapped up wards to meet his eyes.

"Why?" I managed to croak out.

"I don't know but I think it has something on the lines of Hayley" he said and I got sadder the more.

I had grown on that little girl gradually.

"Hey I don't want you to be sad because Christmas is in three days" he said and I perked up.

"As planned we will have nice Christmas" I croaked and he nodded holding my hands in his.

"We will both spend Christmas with our families then on Boxing Day we will stay at my place and have a nice time. Just me, you and Hayley just the way it's supposed to be" he said recon ting our plans for me again.

"Yeah and the following day we will open our presents and eat some pancakes soaked in strawberry syrup" I completes for him.

"Although I don't like strawberry but hell yes" he said and I laughed out loud.

"And we will go shopping for the new year for Hayley and prepare her to resume late" I continued and he nodded.

"I will make sure everything will go on as we planned" he assured and I nodded. Although I highly doubted the ability of nature to jinx it.

My phone rang and I saw the ID to be Debby. She has probably heard that Mark was back and it was probably from Mark's mom.

"Mark is back" I say as soon as I place the phone on my ears.

"You heard already" she said seeming disappointed as she always wanted to break the news to me.

"Yeah, I came to welcome him at the airport.  He texted me" I inform her. I heard her mutter some cuss words under her breath.

"That little brat" she yelled. "I had to hear from his mom" she said. "That's bad" she almost screamed out.

Everyone knows how much Mark's mom fantasised about having Debby as her daughter in law. While we were still together we were all good friends and surprisingly Mark's mom took a hood interest in Debby. Although she loved me she never saw a future for me and Mark and I'm grateful for that.

"I'm not sure he is still avoiding you" I try to comfort her. Because of his mom Mark avoided Debby and did t even for once call her when he was out on duty and she felt his presence leave. He was like a big brother to her. She could  not see my brother as her big brother because she had a huge crush on him where she shuttered and said weird things around him.

"How sure are you?" she asked. I could just imagine her face go up in a scowl and her eyes knot together.

"He is getting married soon" I say and her muttering over the phone stopped. I see Nick patiently waiting for me, well typing away on his phone.

"You are kidding me right?" she asks and I laugh.

"You can't double time" I said laughing. "Moreover you are marrying my brother and Mrs. Lockhart is very okay with that" I tell her. "And I told you before" I say recalling when u told her that Mark was set to marry.

"I'm not double timing" she said yelling. "I'm just shocked" she muttered and I agreed with her. "And I thought you were kidding.

"Well I wasn't" I say with a sigh. "Let's have a good friend time out, just me you and Mark tomorrow" I say and I hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah" she said excited. "But Christmas is in there days and well he will be having that stupid forty eight hours jet lagged induced sleep" she murmured.

"Yeah we are going to his house to wake him up" I tell her.

"Yeah we will do that and pull him for shopping" she says and I nod.

"That's a good idea" I say. "See you tomorrow then" she said.

"See ya" she said and I hung up.

"Ready to go" I say grabbing Nick's attention.

"Yeah, are with your car?" he asked.

"No I trekked here" I said sarcastically.

"Just let's go" he murmured pulling me.

"I'm going out tomorrow, so you can have your meeting with Julia. She will have her holidays staring tomorrow anyways" I tell him and he nods.

"I will call you after the meeting with her" he said and I nodded.

"You do that" I said as we moved.

When we got to the car I opened the door with the remote.

"Don't I get a kiss?" he asked pouting like a child.

"You do" I said tip toeing to give him a kiss on the cheek. "There you go" I said pulling away.

"Only that" he said. "I'm going to have bad dreams" he muttered under his breathe.

"Nick" I said and he turned to me and I placed my lips on his as he captured mine.

"Now I will have the best night ever" he said and I smiled.

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