Chapter eleven: My parent don't like me.

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"Ms. Ana" someone said as they knocked some many times on my door. And o was hell bent on ignoring them but it became persistent.

"Go away" I said pulling the covers over my head and snuggling into the blanket.

I heard a small laughter. "Come on Sis get your butt out of bed or else we will be late for work" Adams said bursting into my room not minding my privacy.

"I'm skipping work today I feel like crap" I murmured still with shut eyes.

"Well that's it you can't skip work because we have a deal with the Forest and you have to be there" he said and I could feel his weight on the bed. I knew what was coming next if I didn't stand up but I was willingly to take the chance of savouring a few eye closing moments.

"Why?" I murmur. "I'm never invited to close deals with you guys why now" I whined like a bratty kid. But I didn't care I want to sleep.

"I don't know either. Dad and mom said to be there. So please get up because I'm wearing an expensive suit bad I don't want you to ruin it"

"Adams all your suits are expensive and I'm not getting up. I'm so tired." I said.

"You asked for it" he said before opening the covers and dropping me over his shoulders.

"Adams put me down this instant" I yell hitting his back "Adams please" I pout and whine. "Adams I'm awake okay?". But no he didn't stop he walked straight to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with me still on his shoulders.

THUMP! and my eyes were open I could see all things clearly. I was inside my bathtub full of water.

"Adams!" I yell he looks at me smiling. "You are not a kid anymore you have to stop playing this kind of childish stunts" I say angry.

"I know but guess what? You are awake" he said.

"Go I want to take a bath because now my hair is all wet" I say and he nods before going out the door.

"Please just don't waste time on makeup" he called over his shoulders.

"I'm not that type of girl" I call after him.

"I know that is what Debby says too" he says. "Please be down soon or we will be late" he said and I hear the door shut after him.

Why do I have to be in this meetings again? I don't know and I totally don't care. I might sleep although the meeting. Most likely.

I take a quick shower and use conclear to hide the dark spots beneath my eyes. I wear an office gown actually the first thing I could lay my hands on. Lucky for me all my dresses are fashion statements.

"I need a large cup of coffee" I say as soon as I am at the t bottom of the stairs and Greta hands me a very large cup. "Thank you Greta always so considerate" I say taking the cup out of her hand.

"Let's go" Adams yell and I follow him out.

We get to the office and I am led immediately to the board room where the meeting is supposed to start in the next ten minutes. I see mom and dad and it looks like they've come directly from the airport.

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