Chapter twenty one: Date me because I asked.

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"Welcome to my humble abode again" I said bringing her inside my house again.

"As humble as always" she said taking her sit.

"What can I get you? Water? Coffee? Juice? Wine?" I ask her.

"What a kind guest she said sitting well on the couch. "Do you mind if I take off my shoes? My feet hurt"

"Wait!" I say as she bends to unstrap the shoes. I bend down to where her shoes are and I unbuckle the shoes. I sit down beside her and pull her legs to my laps and start massaging her feet.

"Don't do that" she said in a low tone trying to pull her feet away from my lap.

I use force to hold it to me. "You have to get used to it because you will be my wife soon and I have to do these things for you" I said so she knows I intend to make her my wife.

"I didn't agree to marry you, hell you haven't asked me" she muttered.

"Do you want me to ask you?" I asked her quickly. I know that the question will be a tough one.

"I don't think we should be talking about marriage yet, I'm not sure I like you like that" she said shyly. And guess what she got out of the trap I had set for her.

"When the time comes" I say with a smile and continue massaging her feet.

We stay silent and she looks down at her laps while I look at her. At all means I must make her stay by me forever.

"Ana, I want us to start going on real dates from now on" I say and please where did that come from again.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked offended. Okay what did I do this time around?

"I just mean boyfriend and girlfriend. I call you boyfriend and you call me girlfriend." I say and look at her. She's staring at me. "And you saved my name as Nick on your phone not very romantic" I say making a straight face.

"Okay" she said pulling out her phone. "What do you want me to change it to?" she asked taking on her screen.

"Something romantic" I say with enthusiasm that she is about to do it.

"What of pervert or jerk or even Asshole she said her lips curling up slowly.

"You can do better than that" I said cheering her up.

"That's all I got" she said and I can see her pulling a straight face trying hard not to laugh.

"Hopeless case" I mutter. "You look very beautiful today" I say and her eyes immediately look up to me. She searches my face maybe to see if I'm telling the truth.

"Thank you" she says finally.

"Want to take a swin" I ask her.

"No" she says immediately.

"Why?" I ask her back.

"Well number one" she said holding up one finger "It's freezing outside and number two" she said holding up a second finger "I don't have a bathing suit so no"

"Number one" I say holding one finger out coping her actions "it's a Jacuzzi and number two" I still copy her action "You can borrow one from Lola am sure she won't mind"

"No" she still insist.

"Please pretty please" I beg joining my two hands together.

"Okay" she gives in after much thought.

"Let's go" I say pulling her up and taking her towards Lola's room to get a bikini for her. I pick a red lacy one that will reveal skin but not too much. Don't blame me she is like very conservative.

"Thanks" she said collecting the bikini and going to change.

She comes out and I see that it shows more skin than I intend to show. I take steady steps towards her and I see her eyes widen and her visible spittle go down her throat.

"Don't ever show this much skin on front of any other man apart from me" I whisper in her ears. She nods and I move away from her. I holding her hands and lead her to the Jacuzzi.

"Make your self at home" I said then turned around to go.

"Where are you going" she asked me

"Missing me already?" I asked with a smirk.

"You wish?" she said turning to face me. "How do I know you don't want to leave me all alone here?" she asked.

"I can never do that. I'm going to change and bring some coffee for you or do you prefer wine?" I ask her.

"Coffee is fine, I don't intend to get drunk in the afternoon" she said getting into of the Jacuzzi.

"Be right back" I said leaving the place.

Actually I was going to take a cold Water shower because I was hard. She hadn't even dome any special thing I was already feeling this way.

I took a shower and got her coffee ready. I entered and I saw her eyes closed at the side if the pool.

"I'm back with coffee" I said to get her attention.

"Took you long enough" she said leaving the pool. She dried herself with a towel I handed her before taking the coffee from me. "Where is your coffee" she asked.

"I don't need it" I tell her with an easy smile.

"Always a show off" she said taking the coffee.

"I tell you, you look so good in that outfit" I said shifting to stand close to her.

"Thanks" she said as blood rose to her cheeks making her blush.

"And you look cute when you blush" I said moving closer to her. Our bodies were against each other now. I wanted to kiss her so badly right now. "Will you be mad if I kiss you?" I ask like a little child.

She looked at me confused. "Please Ana asnswer me" I said as of my life depends on it.

"I won't be mad" she said facing me and at that moment all I could think about was that lips and the kiss it can give. I smashed my lips on hers.

Hey guys there first kiss together. Definitely not there first kiss ever. It was a moment for them. Next chapter. I honestly don't know what to write until I get I get inspiration so it will be out soon enough. I hope you stay tuned. You can go back all the former chapters and vote on them. Please vote and comment and share. Love ya💞💞

Cinderella again? (#1 Hills) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon